RNA - On the evening of Wednesday, December 28th, the 5th night of Chanukah, Albany Chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace gathered with members, friends and allies to hold our third annual Chanukah vigil for peace, and an end to racism, Xenophobia, corporate greed, occupation and Islamophobia. Specifically we said:
Please Mark your calendars for this soon upcoming third annual Chanukah vigil for an end to tyranny, racism, violation of Indigenous lands, threats to the water of the US, Palestine and other places and much more. We will have LED lights, and candle signs and you are welcome to bring your own.
The story of Chanukah teaches us how a minority can stand up to a mighty conqueror and be victorious.
End Corporate Tyranny; Jews Support Indigenous Rights; Jews Stand with Standing Rock; No DAPL; Black Lives Matter; Jews Against Islamophobia; Water Is Life; Jews Welcome Refugees; End the Israeli Occupation.
At a sign making party the week before the demonstration those and other messages were crafted accompanied by menorahs (the special candelabras crafted to hold the eight candles and the shamus that gives light to the others each night). Also, Keren worked with blue LED lights to create a very visible sign.
Luckily, you can see these signs and also the anti-racism banners loaned by Women Against War and the various organizational flags. Photos provide the major information in this article. All photos were taken by Alice Brody, a local activist and member of Jewish Voice for Peace.
Mark Mishler, the convener of Albany JVP said in a reminder to people to join the vigil:
Our third annual JVP Chanukah vigil is 12/28 at 4 pm at the intersection of Wolf Rd. and Central Avenue (near Colonie Center). We’ll line the sidewalks by this busy intersection to demonstrate our commitment to peace and justice, to ending racism, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism, and to show our solidarity with the movements for Palestinian human rights, for Black Lives Matter and for indigenous people’s rights.
As it turned out we were 54 people strong on a chilly, raw evening that left its impression on gloved fingers and toes. Some of the local groups who Joined with Jewish Voice for Peace included the Palestinian Rights Committee, Peace Action, Veterans for Peace, The Capital District Coalition Against Islamophobia, The Interfaith Alliance of NY State, Pax Christi, Grannies for Peace and Women Against War. Then there were individual activists who also brought their hopes for change to the gathering.
Here’s part of what I wrote to one of the project groups of Women Against War the next day:
I’m just coming off a high of standing together with more than 50 people on Wolf Road and Central Avenue last night to protest racism, militarism, the Occupation of Palestine, the trampling on Indigenous rights and the corporate takeover of the US.
Much positive response and horn honking from commuters and even one car with Pakistanis mourning the occupation of Kashmir who rolled down the windows and expressed common cause against occupation.
It was a great gathering in fairly cold conditions and it made us all feel that we were not alone and that we had a very diverse coalition representing many races, ethnicities, groups and ages who were all willing to continue the struggle. So, cold hands and feet but warm, hopeful, empowered hearts and spirits!
We were not the only chapter of JVP (a national organization working for an end to the occupation of Palestine, for human rights for Palestinians, and for justice for the most vulnerable in our society.) that celebrated this holiday of liberation and self-determination. Another demonstration that took place on the Boston Commons was also documented in the local press.
In all there were 25 Jewish Voice for Peace Chanukah demonstrations this year in the United States.