04 January 2017 - 21:42
News ID: 426278
A Corpus Separatum No More:
Rasa - It is said with determination, discipline and hard work all dreams become a reality. This universal rule doesn't apply to Israel. America is doing all the hard work for it at no cost.
Israeli soldier in al-Aqsa Mosque

RNA - Post-New Year festivities, here is the shock for all of us: As the Trump era rises, Senators on the Capitol Hill have unveiled the Jerusalem Embassy and Recognition Act, a plan backed by President-elect Donald Trump, to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem Al-Quds.


This came after Trump repeatedly pledged to relocate the embassy to Al-Quds “fairly and quickly.” He even nominated a pro-Israel ambassador, David Friedman, who shares the same controversial view – in line with the Jerusalem Embassy Act, which was passed by Congress in 1995.


The legislation is a death-knell to the so-called peace process. It recognizes Al-Quds as the usurper regime’s official capital, which in actuality is supposed to be the future capital of the State of Palestine. It goes against International Law as well. Although Israel has claimed Al-Quds to be its capital since December 1949, many countries cling to the UN resolution from 1947 that divided Palestine. It says the Holy City should remain a corpus separatum, or separate entity belonging to no country.


Obviously, this is no longer the case. Trump claims the embassy’s move may revive moribund talks, could be shock therapy to the peace process, and bring the sides back to the table. He is taking us for fools.


The criminal intent is to reignite violence and give the Zionist regime – carved out of stolen land - yet another blank check to massacre more Palestinians on the pretext of defending the US decision to move its embassy to the Holy City. It’s been a while since the regime’s army killed and wounded thousands of innocent civilians in the last Gaza War. It has had its breather and now it wants another war. The idea is to kill any remaining hopes left for Palestinians, making sure they will never have a state of their own.


Anyway, the simple point is that the two-state solution was nothing but a waste of precious time to make sure Israel gets to where it is right now. It also explains why leaving President Obama abstained from a vote at the UN Security Council that condemns Israel for building illegal settlements in occupied Palestinian lands. It was a show, a tactic to ensure the US and Israel would be able to get the international community on board when they make “Jerusalem the eternal capital of the Jewish state of Israel.”


This is yet another reminder for the Palestinian Authority to come to grips with reality in “Trumpland”. For their dreams (having a state) to become a reality, they have to wake up first. They cannot afford to take the two-state solution patiently or peacefully any longer. Ultimately, their fortunes will depend on the fierceness of their response as well as recruiting a new generation of leaders who can harvest the power of their unity and drive it to the 21st century politics.


It's time to start calling this what it is. Palestinians are down on their luck. Washington has no mandate and certainly no New Year’s resolution to allow the status of the Holy Land to be determined in talks between Tel Aviv and the Palestinian Authority. It will go to any length to help Israel complete the Christian-Zionist project that is the Judaisation of Palestine – to the chagrin of the Muslim world.  A lot of criminality lurks in that conviction, which will certainly outlast Trump's presidency and so reality itself.


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