Service :
23 December 2016 - 21:55
News ID: 425997
Rasa - A Palestinian teenage boy shot and critically injured by Israeli military forces during clashes at a refugee camp in the central part of occupied West Bank more than two months ago has died of his wounds.
Palestinians attend the funeral of 16-year-old Fares Ziad al-Bayed in Jalazone refugee camp, occupied West Bank, on December 23, 2016. (Photo by Quds Net news agency)

RNA - The Palestinian Ministry of Health reported on Friday that 16-year-old Fares Ziad al-Bayed succumbed to his injuries at the Palestinian Medical Complex in Ramallah, located 10 kilometers north of Jerusalem al-Quds, on Friday.


Bayed was critically injured after being shot in the head with a live bullet during clashes in Jalazone refugee camp on October 15. The skirmishes broke out following a march commemorating the first death anniversary of 13-year-old Ahmad Sharaka, whom Israeli forces fatally shot last year.


The death came a day after an 18-year-old Palestinian teenager, identified as Ahmad al-Kharoubi, sustained gunshot wounds during clashes with Israeli troops in Kafr 'Aqab neighborhood of Jerusalem al-Quds, and subsequently died of the injuries.


Israeli military forces had shot dead a Palestinian teenage boy near the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah four days earlier.


The victim was shot in the heart during clashes between Israeli soldiers and a group of young Palestinians in the village of Beit Rima. The slain teenager was identified as 19-year-old Ahmed Hazem Rimawi.


The victim’s father was said to have been released two months ago after spending 14 years in Israeli jails.


The occupied Palestinian territories have witnessed tensions ever since Israel imposed restrictions on the entry of Palestinian worshipers into the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in East Jerusalem al-Quds in August 2015.


More than 270 Palestinians have lost their lives at the hands of Israeli forces in the tensions since the beginning of October last year.


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