Rasa - Transcribing the Quran in Indian Naskh script has been completed in Iran and the copy will be printed in the near future, an official said.

RNA - Director of the Publications Department of Iran’s Center for Quran Printing and Publishing Mohammad Babaei told IQNA that the transcribed copy has 604 pages.
He said it is currently being proofread and will be ready for publication by the end of the current Iranian year (March 20, 2017).
According to Babaei, the Mus’haf is expected to be distributed in countries like India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Indonesia.
Naskh is a specific calligraphic style for writing in the Arabic alphabet, thought to have been invented by Iranian calligrapher Ibn Muqlah Shirazi.
With small modifications, it is the style most commonly used for printing Arabic, Persian, Pashto and Sindhi languages.
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