RNA - The Islamic Society of Greater Harrisburg is one of several mosques nationwide to receive hate mail from Americans for a Better Way, in which the author explicitly calls anyone who attends the mosque “children of Satan,” adding that Muslims are “vile and filthy people.”
Democratic state Rep. Patty Kim of Dauphin County, in a Twitter post on Wednesday, said she was “sickened” by the letter sent to the Steelton mosque in her district. “I stand behind my Muslim community,” she Tweeted.
Law enforcement has not made any connections as to who the author is of the letter. And, since the letters have been received, there have not been any reports of violence at the targeted mosques.
Muslims were at the heart of the 2016 election, when President-elect Donald Trump said he would scrutinize America’s immigration laws, placing Muslims in the spotlight. The letter sent to the Islamic Society of Greater Harrisburg was anti-Muslim, and pro-Trump.
When Trump was elected President, he said he would be the President of all Americans.
Meanwhile Fox43 website (http://fox43.com) asks readers in a poll whether they concerned about America’s relationship with its Muslim community.