RNA - Here, the corporate media vassals are reporting the opposite of what is actually happening. Their news and reports suggest that Aleppo has been a “liberated zone” for four years but is now being pulled back into misery by the Syrian Army and Iranian-Russian allies. Nor is that all. The rest of the world stands by and watches as other parts of the country are put through hell by the US-led globalist criminal syndicate and terror proxies.
The reality is telling. The international community doesn't know that the Anglo-American mass media outlets have mastered the art of lying about the real situation in Syria. The propagandists describe the country’s legitimate resistance as the “regime’s brutal actions,” the pro-Western terrorist groups as “moderate opposition,” and the foreign-backed war as “civil war.” They get away with these abject lies day-in-day-out.
They spend billions on media propaganda to win the psychological warfare. Together with Middle-Eastern vassal allies and all those who serve the empire, the regime changers breach each and every international law to ensure their cluster bombs, phosphorous-laden missiles and poisonous sarin gas, provided to the terrorists, also kill and maim as many women and children as possible. They then blame it on Syrian-Russian air strikes.
They even employ media propagandists to brainwash the world community to believe that if the country suffers from the most horrible conditions of terror, famine, disease, discrimination and violence, it is all because of President Assad. They never say the West has ceased to be human, nor that the colonial exploitation, mass-murders, horror and barbarism being committed in the name of democracy will continue to claim even more innocent lives in Aleppo and Raqqa if not liberated soon by the allied forces of Syria, Russia and Iran.
Likewise, the Western media lackeys never say that spreading of eternal chaos throughout the Middle East and North Africa, balkanisation of Syria and world hegemony is the plan war-party Washington will never let go - ceasefire and peace talks notwithstanding.
As long as the world public is blind to these facts, the diabolical terror-alliance of destruction, killing and manipulation will continue to prevail. Thanks to the general gullibility, laziness and media illiteracy of the public, which through its learned compliance rarely questions even at the United Nations, the criminal hordes will continue to flourish and present themselves in fake news stories as the ultimate innocents and saviours of Syria.
The biggest propagators of fake news don't want us to know that their role is to produce, plant and peddle propaganda-driven fake news on Syria. This slick maneuver is to distract attention from what we should really be talking about: The US government and its vassal allies have grown dangerously out-of-control, all the while the so-called mainstream news media, which is supposed to act as a bulwark against war and terror, but has instead become the mouthpiece of Washington.
If they send their propagandists disguised as journalists to Aleppo or Raqqa, it is not to resist and expose Washington's support for terrorist groups. They are there to operate as the Pentagon’s compliant assistants, merely repeating what is being fed to them - manufactured, manipulated and made-to-order news and reports that have nothing to do with the ideas of truth and everything to do with the false reality that is US saving Syria. They are doing everything they can to manipulate global perception. There is not even an iota of shame left.