RNA - President Rouhani's message is as follows:
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
We are from Allah, and to Him we shall return (Holy Quran)
When a believer jurist dies, a gap appears in Islam which will not ever be compensated (Imam Sadegh (AS))
The passing of the great Shia Marja’, wise and educated warrior and jurist, Ayatollah Seyyed Abdulkarim Mousavi Ardebili is a great loss for all knowledge-seekers and followers of the path of action and jurisprudence.
That steadfast partner of the Islamic Movement and an honest friend to Imam Khomeini (RA) and the Supreme Leader, was one of the knowledgeable Maraji of the time and a scientific pillar of jurisprudence and politics who spent his blessed life accepting grave political, social and judicial responsibilities before and after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, attempting to promote the pure teachings of Islam and reinforce the Islamic system. He attracted many young people to the Islamic insight and character by his moderate point of view. He also authored valuable books and educated a lot of students in the path of strengthening religious basics and scientific growth.
I sincerely condole the great loss to Imam Mahdi (AS), the Supreme Leader of the Revolution, great Maraji, seminaries, his students in seminaries and universities, the grateful people of the Islamic Iran, especially the brave people of Ardebil province, and his respectful family, especially his children, and declare the state of national mourning on Thursday and Friday for the loss of the great scientific and spiritual asset and pray for his mercy and his family’s patience and health, and ask the Almighty God mercy and ample blessing for him.
Hassan Rouhani
President of the Islamic Republic of Iran