23 November 2016 - 21:55
News ID: 425258
Rasa - Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has said that violent clashes in West Asia and the creation of terrorist groups such as Daesh have been the result of acts of interference and imposition of the will by certain powers.

RNA - Commenting on the Leader’s remarks, Kevin Barrett, editor of Veterans Today, noted that Ayatollah Khamenei was alluding to the fact that the West has created the terrorist groups for strategic reasons, mainly to destabilize the Middle East “in service to the geostrategic interests of Israel”.


“This has been going on for a long time. The plan for it was laid at the Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism (JCIT) in 1979 that was convened by [Benjamin] Netanyahu [who would be the future prime minister of Israel] and many high-level Americans attended,” the analyst told Press TV.


In that conference, they decided that they were eventually going “to replace the lost Cold War enemy of communism, which was going to collapse in about a decade, with the civilizational enemy of terrorism. So they went about laying the groundwork for creating this wave of so-called Islamic extremist terrorism and it is really largely made in the USA,” he analyzed.


Barrett further argued that the so-called Arab Spring uprisings were “manufactured” at a certain time in order to take advantage of the terrorist groups in Libya and Syria that Western intelligence services had pre-armed and organized in an attempt to destabilize and overthrow the governments of those countries.


He also stated that these uprisings were not just “popular peaceful demonstrations against unpopular leaders;” rather; they had been planned in advance to set off the armed conflicts that exist today.


According to the analyst, the Takfiri extremist terror groups who are wreaking havoc in the region were largely created by Western powers through their intelligence services.


Tags: Daesh Israel
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