RNA - On the contrary, the Committee continues to be at the service of a handful of rich nations – at the expense of many others. It has just approached a new resolution, expressing concern about what it alleges severe limitations on freedom of thought, conscience and religion or belief in Iran.
The Committee approved the Canada-drafted measure on Tuesday by a vote of 85 in favor, 35 against and 63 countries abstaining. The assembly is virtually certain to adopt the resolution when it’s put to a vote next month. This is not surprising; it lays bare the blatant double standards and ineptness of the UN and the international community:
The subject matter of human rights in Iran has had bad press at the UN in recent years - ever since the United States invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, and later gave the green light to its partners in crime and proxies to invade Gaza, Libya, Syria and Yemen. That's because Iran decided to stand in their ways, and hence, the coalition of the wicked assembled a vast international war chest to defeat the alleged “threat” posed by Iran.
Here, a little double standard is in order too. Instead of going after those who turned Syria, Yemen, Libya and Gaza into rubbles and safe havens for terrorists, the professional aggressors, motivated by religious-racial hatred and neo-colonialism - and some by the fear of losing the one shred of dignity they thought came from being pro-human right – decided to vote for their geopolitical interests – and their pro-Zionist, pro-Saudi convictions - to flag Iran. For all their faults, they also managed to convince or coerce a fragile majority of UN member states to follow suit - although they are truly a minority when you note that 98 nations either stood against the draft or abstained from voting.
Writing off every war crime committed by Israel and Saudi Arabia in Gaza and Yemen, the anti-Iran, racist, and irredeemably reactionary currents might be emotionally satisfied for now. But it would be politically stupid and potentially disastrous in the long run.
In actual fact, Israel and Saudi Arabia are currently in breach of, or have been the subject of dozens of UN Security Council resolutions. They have taken no action to remedy the breaches. Worse still, the UN’s feeble condemnations of their criminal practices seem to afford no consequences whatsoever - whereas it did so immediately when, for instance, Canada drafted the farce that is anti-Iran resolution.
Considering their running history of breaching international law, the Fourth Geneva Convention and countless UN resolutions, it is exceptionally ironic and silly that both Israel and Saudi Arabia are also chairing the UN Human Rights Council and a legal committee that aims to uphold international law and protect basic human rights. It means what it means. Through inaction, the UN is complicit in Israeli, Saudi war crimes and that's not all.
While human rights violations and atrocities are indeed part of their history, from slavery and crimes committed against indigenous people to nuking Japan to turning so many Muslim countries into failed states to the torture program to the drone war and the prison-industrial complex, so is the legacy of legitimate resistance from Iran, its allies and the international civil society who continue to defy the Western-coerced double standards at the UN, to fight the Real War on Terror in Iraq and Syria, and to the Shiite-Sunni volunteer allies who turn out in support of all those minorities threatened by the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and their “moderate” proxy forces.
Taken together, the usual suspects draft anti-Iran resolutions because they have lost the twin wars on Syria and Yemen. They force the UN to spurn international law because they fear Iran and its allies, and because they cannot control them - or channel them toward their regional designs. The UN should feel embarrassed as it has become a tool in the hands of the devil to derail the public opinion from their crimes and meantime take revenge for their battlefield losses on the scene of politics.