RNA - The freaked out demonstrators are free to march, block streets, and prompt police to assemble hasty barricades. They are free to chant “Not My President!” and even move to Canada. But something they can all probably collectively agree on: You cannot change your fate; it is sealed. America has laid waste to democracy. You failed to stop warmonger Hillary Clinton and save your country from Donald Trump. Your outrage is not enough. You blew it.
Yes folks, the popular vote doesn’t lie, but you are still split in two and at rock bottom. Your unfair electoral system has chosen a racist president, and he is not “unmistakable rejection of the establishment;” HE IS THE ESTABLISHMENT ITSELF! You have equally boosted Europe’s Far-Right, where human rights is dead and white supremacy has triumphed – long before your electoral disaster. All you can do now is thank Goodness this “historic” campaign season has come to an end.
Get real. This is not a dark day for the world; but it is for desperate immigrants and refugees, just as it is for racially profiled Black Americans, Muslim Americans, and other minorities in Boston, Massachusetts, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oakland, Seattle, Washington DC, Minnesota, Richmond, Virginia, Kansas City, Omaha, New Orleans, Nebraska, Austin… you name it. They are all suspects in their own homes - locked behind the Great Wall of America.
It’s no coincidence that this is just half the story. Most of Trump’s supporters – white, angry Americans – also registered their dissatisfaction with the status quo in Washington, their insecurity with global migration and refugee crisis, and their disdain for “elites” and “pollsters” who seem to have an answer to everything and a humane solution to nothing - the American equivalent of Britain’s shocking “Brexit” vote. Or was that really “shocking” too?
Silly how they call this “nation state democracy,” proper border controls, and being in charge of your own lives! The same racist “elites” and “pollsters” that deliberately failed to see it coming are also saying “Trump will need wise hands at his side.” No he doesn't, and you had this coming.
All the new Commander-In-Chief needs to do now is sit back, relax, and enjoy the spotlight – just like the previous occupants of the White House. The usual suspects, domestic policy experts, corrupt compromisers, inside players, and Christian-Zionist Founding Fathers will come forward to help him to “Make America White Again” and to “entrust” him to the nuclear codes.
Prepare for further policy shocks in the years to come. With the “divided” (emphasis here) war-party Republicans retaining control of both chambers of Congress, the birther championed with the KKK will face no problem in having a clearer path toward escalating the bogus War on Terror.
The interventionists will help the 45th president of the United States to continue the enduring relationship with Israel and “moderate” terrorists, prolong the war, stay the course, shock and awe, and kill hundreds of thousands more civilians in the conflagration that is the Middle East – outrageously based on the values of “American freedom, democracy, and enterprise.” It’s tradition.