Service :
02 October 2016 - 23:49
News ID: 424050
Rasa - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Representative in Pakistan Indrika Ratwatte praised Tehran’s continued support for the Afghan refugees residing in Iran.

RNA - Ratwatte said in Islamabad on Sunday that return of Afghan refugees back home is a top priority for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.


"Iran has been exemplary host of Afghan refugees for past 37 years," the UNHCR official said.


His remarks came after Iranian Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli underlined Tehran's determination to find a permanent solution to the problems of the Afghan refugees, and called on the European Union to help Tehran facilitate Afghan refugees' return to their homeland.


"We have asked the European Union to render the necessary assistance to help Afghan refugees' return to their country," Rahmani Fazli told reporters on Saturday.


He reiterated that the European countries should feel responsible and give the necessary help for the repatriation of 3 million Afghan refugees to Afghanistan.


The Iranian interior minister pointed to Iran's willingness to share the experience and facilities of the European countries in dealing with Afghan refugees, and said, "The EU has invited Iranian experts in different Afghan refugee aid sectors to travel to Brussels and become familiar with EU's new achievements and we have also agreed with the EU's request."


Tags: Iran Afghan
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