24 September 2016 - 23:57
News ID: 423874
Rasa - Disputes and sporadic clashes among the terrorist groups have increased after their crushing defeat in Handarat Palestinian refugee camp and its surrounding regions and their pursuing withdrawal from the entire regions in the Northern outskirts of Aleppo city.

RNA - Several terrorist groups accused Ahrar al-Sham, Faylaq al-Sham and Jabhat al-Shamia of their humiliating defeat and sudden withdrawal from Handarat camp, claiming that their escape from the frontline forced Fatah al-Sham Front (the newly formed al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group previously known as the al-Nusra Front) to retreat from the region.


Earlier on Saturday, the Syrian army troops and popular forces inflicted major losses on the terrorist groups in the Northern parts of Aleppo and took back Handarat Palestinian Refugees Camp.


"Syrian pro-government forces, in a large-scale offensive, targeted the terrorist groups' strongholds in Handarat camp and drove them out of the camp and its nearby territories," the sources said, adding, "The camp is now under the full control of the Syrian soldiers."


"In the meantime, Syrian army and its popular allies have engaged in very fierce clashes with Fatah al-Sham in Sheikh Saeed district in the Southern part of Aleppo city. Syrian artillery and missile units have shelled Fatah al-Sham's defense lines heavily in Sheikh Saeed," the sources said.


A few hours later, the Army soldiers, after hours of non-stop battle, captured al-Shaqif industrial zone in the Southern side of Handarat region.


In tandem with advances in Handarat region, the Syrian army soldiers also took back Kandi Hospital that was under the control of Fatah al-Sham (the newly formed al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group previously known as the al-Nusra Front).


With the liberation of Handarat, al-Shaqif, Kandi hospital and the two military sites in the Eastern and Western sides of al-Shaqif industrial zone, the Northern outskirt of Aleppo city has been completely liberated.


Reports said also on Saturday that a growing number of Fatah al-Sham terrorists are surrendering to the authorities in the Eastern districts of Aleppo city.


"The growing trend of surrender among the terrorists in the Eastern districts of Aleppo has caused Fatah al-Sham's commanders to take preventive measures across the militant-held neighborhoods in the city," the sources said.


"Fatah al-Sham has deployed more monitoring checkpoints across the Eastern districts of Aleppo to confront those militants who try to surrender to the government forces and takes tough action against those who intend to lay down arms," they added.


Tags: Syria Aleppo
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