RNA - The deliberate bloodbath draws the lines more clearly and reveals the depth of their bad faith. They carried out the strikes to derail the ceasefire, help anti-democratic rebels and ISIL gain control of territory, and escalate efforts to provoke Syria and Russia – who were adhering to the truce.
Indeed, it questions the commitment of the United States and its rogues gallery to (now failed) ceasefire, as well as their refusal to break with “moderate” creatures, hence keeping the combat potential in fighting the legitimate government in Damascus. After all, regime change is all the criminal hordes care about, and after years of failing to do so, provoking Syria and Russia militarily is the phase they have obviously entered now.
Needless to say, the result will be more bloodletting and hostilities, and that is precisely what the War Department wants. Silly how some “pundits” had thought under the truce deal the American military would now suddenly start sharing intelligence with one of its biggest adversaries to jointly target ISIL and Nusra Front forces in Syria!
There’s a simple explanation for that. The real danger was not the ceasefire per se, or the US military working collaboratively with the Russian Airforce to defeat terrorist organizations operating in Syria. The War Department violated the truce because it didn't want to admit defeat and end the running war on Syria, much less strengthen the cessation of hostilities, support the political transition process outlined in UNSC 2254, assist Iranian-Syrian-Russian efforts to defeat Nusra and ISIL, create a situation where they are all on the same team, involved in the same process, and working towards the same goal, including creation of better conditions for the political process and return of millions of refugees.
On the contrary, the regime changers will have none of it. They still foolishly believe that the war on Syria can be won militarily; that they can regime change and splinter Syria- and Iraq - into multiple parts, install a puppet in Damascus, control gas pipeline corridors from Qatar to Europe via Syria, and inflict a humiliating defeat on Iran and Russia.
So for the overextended and overexposed criminal hordes, any military or diplomatic cooperation with the anti-terror alliance of Iran, Syria, and Russia only impedes their colonial designs: More Middle East regime change with frightening results, including a high possibility to aerial confrontations with Russia over Syria.
In their position of moral bankruptcy and with no leg to stand on legally, this is what the War Department and its rogues gallery have been “admittedly” after since five years ago, on the pretext of noble efforts to “spread freedom” and “democratise” the disaster that is Syria – truce deals notwithstanding.
The hideous hypocrites are free to show up at the UN Security Council meetings to explain their “egregious” actions that ended the weeklong ceasefire. They can convey sheer arrogance and contempt for world opinion by showing a basic indifference to Syrian life and a willingness to kill more. They can even apologize to Damascus – the key participant in the (now failed) ceasefire - via Moscow for the loss of life.
However, they cannot change the fact that what they did, and are still doing, in Syria and elsewhere in the heartlands of the Muslim world is deliberately meant to help their made-in-the-USA Bin Laden clones capture more territory. This way, the “humanitarian” hordes can then “intervene”, “liberate”, and occupy the oil-rich Middle East - forever. Isn't that obvious?