22 September 2016 - 19:11
News ID: 423806
Rasa - At least nine civilians, including women and children, lost their lives when Saudi military aircraft launched an airstrike against a civilian area in Yemen’s mountainous Northwestern province of Sa’ada.
Saudi fighter jet warplane

RNA - An informed source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Saudi fighter jets bombarded a residential building in the Razih district of the province on Thursday, leaving nine people dead, Al Masirah reported.


Another six civilians sustained injuries in the attack.


Later in the day, Saudi aircraft pounded al-Hadab village in the Sirwah district of Yemen’s Central province of Ma’rib, though no reports about casualties and the extent of damage caused were available. 


The aerial assault came shortly after Saudi warplanes struck Souq al-Hanoud area in the al-Hawak district of Yemen’s Western and coastal province of Hudaida late on Wednesday.


Nearly 50 civilians were killed and scores more injured in the attack.


With the latest fatalities, the Saudi air raids have killed almost 60 Yemeni civilians since Wednesday.


Tags: Yemen Saudi
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