RNA - “Donald Trump, I think, will have a lot of trouble moving things through Congress,” Stein said in a Politico podcast interview on Monday.
“Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, won’t … Hillary has the potential to do a whole lot more damage, get us into more wars, faster to pass her fracking disastrous climate program, much more easily than Donald Trump could do his,” she explained.
The Green Party has maintained that Clinton is the most war-mongering candidate among all the hopefuls that have entered the race for 2016 presidential election, and asserted that she should never be elected president.
Stein is a Harvard- educated internist, a doctor who diagnosed thousands of patients for a quarter-century before making the late-career switch to politics.
She questioned the declaration of Trump’s physician Harold Bornstein who asserted the billionaire would be “the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.”
“You know, I don’t pretend to be able to do TV diagnosis, but I think the guy has a problem,” she said. “The guy has a lot of problems — physical, mental, emotional, cognitive.”
The 66-year-old Green Party nominee gave examples like Trump’s erratic behavior, his confusion over his political positions he has adopted over the years, his sudden change of stance on his immigration policies in August and his out of the blue denunciation of the so-called birther movement, in which he played a leading role. The campaign was launched five years ago by Republicans to discredit the nation's first African-American president, Barack Obama.
“It’s hard to, you know, to think too hard about anything Donald Trump says because he will change his mind in the next hour, if not the next day, or whatever,” she said. “Today, suddenly, after five years, he became convinced that it’s not an issue. Yesterday it was an issue. It will probably become an issue again for him. You know, the guy may have a memory problem. Who knows what it is? But he’s incapable of having a consistent thought or policy.”
Last week, Trump finally acknowledged that Obama was born in America, not in Kenya as he used to claim. He, however, did not apologize to Obama and didn't explain what caused him to change his view.
Trump's campaign has been marked by controversial statements, including disparaging remarks about women, Mexican immigrants and Muslims.
He has also proposed a temporary ban on Muslim travelers and called for racial profiling of 3.3 million American Muslims.
The US Commission on Presidential Debates announced on Friday that Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein will not participate in the September 26 debate because they failed to garner the 15 percent support in five polls required to qualify for the debate.
But Stein rejected the standards set by the commission and said she plans to show up at the event with her supporters.
"We will be at the debate to insist that Americans not only have a right to vote, but we have a right to know who we can vote for," she stated.