20 September 2016 - 22:44
News ID: 423735
Rasa - The purging operations in al-Anbar and Salahuddin provinces continued on Tuesday and the Iraqi forces could liberate 6 villages.
Iraqi Army

RNA - After launching Fajr al-Shirqat operations which had started from three directions, the Iraqi forces could retake control of 4 villages from the terrorists in the town of Shirqat in Salahuddin province.


The Hashd al-Shaabi (popular) forces, supporting the Iraqi army in anti-ISIL operations, announced in a statement that they have regained control of Khod'an, al-Isah, al-Suweidan and al-Khazraniya villages in Salahuddin.


Also in al-Anbar, the Iraqi army forces could seize back al-Khalediya and Awnayah villages at al-Baghdadi Island.


Iraq said on Tuesday that its army and volunteer forces have begun operations to rid a town near the ISIL stronghold of Mosul of the terrorist group presence.


Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi made the announcement in a televised address on Tuesday in New York, where he is to attend the latest summit of the United Nations General Assembly.


He said the joint forces had now launched operations to liberate Shirqat, located 100 kilometers South of Mosul, as well as two areas elsewhere, in Western Anbar Province.

The regular and volunteer forces had already surrounded the town, where tens of thousands of civilians are believed to have been trapped by ISIL.


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