20 September 2016 - 22:36
News ID: 423733
Rasa - A senior Syrian military source referred to the recorded phone talks which show coordination between the ISIL and the US-led coalition, and said the terrorist group has not fired any anti-aircraft missiles against the US fighter jets.
ISIL Terrorist Has American Weapon

RNA - The source said that the Takfiri terrorists have several times targeted the Syrian army warplanes and helicopters while they have launched no attacks on the US-led coalition aircraft.


Meantime, analysts believe that the coalition's airstrikes against the Syrian army position will possibly weaken the agreements between the US and Russia on Syria and will exacerbate the crisis in the Middle-East.


They say that given the US preconditions for any agreement with Russia, including President Assad's removal from power, it is obvious that Moscow will not accept it and therefore, the US secret support for the terrorists will continue.


On Saturday, the US-led coalition targeted the Syrian Army battling ISIL in Deir Ezzur.


After the attack, President Bashar Assad said that US coalition airstrikes were a "flagrant aggression" and served ISIL interest.


Bashar Assad said the incident which involved the US-led coalition fighting against ISIL showed an "increase in support for terrorists by countries opposing Syria".


"Increased state support for terrorists hostile to Syria has recently presented itself in the form of naked American aggression against one of the Syrian army positions in Deir Ezzur in favor of the interests of the ISIL," Assad said, as quoted by the Syrian presidency’s Twitter account, hosting a senior Iranian diplomat.


He added that "countries hostile to Syria increase their support for terrorism as Syria succeeds in liberating territories and signing ceasefire agreements".


The airstrikes by the coalition planes near the Deir Ezzur airport were first reported by the Syrian Army on Saturday.


Later in the day, the Russian Defense Ministry confirmed the attacks, saying they killed over 80 servicemen and injured 100 more.


The US Central Command said that the Syrian forces were mistaken for ISIL terrorists. Australia, Denmark and the United Kingdom have confirmed their participation in the airstrikes in Deir Ezzur.


Tags: US Syria ISIL
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