19 September 2016 - 14:00
News ID: 423691
Ex-US Diplomat:
Rasa - A former US diplomat revealed that recent battlefield reports suggest militants of the US-backed Free Syrian Army have reportedly kicked a group of US special operations forces out of a Syrian border town, calling the fleeing Americans "infidels" and "crusaders."
Syrian militants

RNA - "The subgroup that did this supposedly is Ahrar al-Sham, which is a really nasty piece of work. It is as Wahhabist, as radical, as violent as al-Nusra Front (recently renamed as Fatah al-Sham Front) or ISIL," former US diplomat Jim Jatras, RT reported.


This incident, according to experts, shows that groups Washington persists on calling "moderate" are in fact "mercenaries" and "fanatics."


Interestingly, Washington blocked Moscow's initiative to add Ahrar al-Sham, who often conducts joint operations with Fatah al-Sham, to the UN Security Council's terrorist list, claiming that they are in fact 'moderate rebels' and should be treated as a legitimate opposition to the government in Damascus.


"I don't see any evidence that there are any moderates in Syria," Jatras said.


"What you have is a variety of Wahhabist terrorist groups some of which are maybe slightly less terrorist than others but I don't know how you measure that exactly. Who are the moderates? Where are the moderates?" the former diplomat concluded.


Tags: US Syria
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