RNA - "One or two members of the EU may have certain views and these views are not considered as the EU's definite view," Kamalvandi said on Saturday in reaction to an AP report in this regard.
Noting that based on the past agreements, Iran has provided the International Atomic Energy Agency with information about the number and certain specifications of its rotor tubes, he said that the recent report issued by IAEA head Yukiya Amano also confirmed Iran's full cooperation.
Kamalvandi blasted certain EU members for their excessive demands, and said if they want more information, they should provide Iran with necessary materials for the rotors of centrifuges.
In its latest report earlier this month, the IAEA confirmed that Iran has remained loyal to all its undertakings under the agreement that it signed with the UN nuclear watchdog agency in Vienna in July.
The IAEA reiterated that Iran has not carried out activities related to reprocessing at the Tehran Research Reactor (TRR) and the Molybdenum, Iodine and Xenon Radioisotope Production (MIX) Facility or at any of the other facilities it has declared to the IAEA.
It also said that Iran has not enriched uranium above low levels in line with its declarations to the UN nuclear watchdog body.
Iran has continued to inform the IAEA about the inventory of heavy water and the production of heavy water at the Heavy Water Production Plant (HWPP) and allowed the IAEA to monitor the quantities of Iran's heavy water stocks and the amount of heavy water produced at the HWPP, it said.
The report also said that Iran has conducted its enrichment activities in line with its long term enrichment and R&D enrichment plan, as provided to the IAEA on January 16, 2016.
The IAEA has conducted continuous monitoring, including through the use of containment and surveillance measures, and verified that the declared equipment has been used for the production of rotor tubes and bellows to manufacture centrifuges only for the activities specified in the JCPOA
Iran has continued to permit the Agency to use on-line enrichment monitors and electronic seals which communicate their status within nuclear sites to the agency's inspectors, and to facilitate the automated collection of Agency measurement recordings registered by installed measurement devices.
Iran’s total enriched uranium stockpile did not exceed 300 kg of UF6 enriched up to 3.67% U-235 (or the equivalent in different chemical forms).
The report of the IAEA's Director General to the Board of Governors and, in parallel, to the United Nations Security Council (Security Council), is on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s implementation of its nuclear-related commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and on the matters related to the verification and monitoring in Iran in light of Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015).
It also provides information on financial matters, and the Agency’s consultations and exchanges of information with the Joint Commission, established by the JCPOA.