Rasa - German security agencies estimate that thousands of EU-born terrorists may be on their way home soon after fighting intensified in Syria and Iraq, German media reported Sunday.

RNA - Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group has been losing ground in the Middle East. Out of some 6,000 foreigners fighting in its ranks, a third could be back home before long, officials told German newspaper Die Welt.
"The return of terrorists presents a threat to security," German criminal police chief Holger Muench said, Sputnik News reported.
"The majority is extremely radicalized, they have military training and are battle-hardened."
German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said in an interview with the Bild newspaper on Saturday that over 500 potential terrorist attackers were estimated to live in Germany, and cautioned about the threat coming from small strike groups and lone-wolf terrorists.
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