RNA - The suspicious terrorist attacks on US soil on September 11, 2001, was a perfect crime on all accounts. Two “highjacked” planes hit the two towers of the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington - with the kind of “precision” we now associate with the laser-guided weaponry of the US Air Force. No wonder Washington said it couldn't detect it at the time!
From its opening salvo, though, the decision by the United States to invade the heartlands of the Muslim world and target those who “are against us” on the pretext of War on Terror, was and still is an atrocity of the first order. Almost 15 years later, such criminal acts with similar “precision” weaponry (though with the “shock and awe” component) continue to be unleashed across the Middle East and North Africa, taking a terrible toll on innocent civilians, mostly women and children.
Almost 15 years have passed and the dirty war against the Muslim world has never ended. It has spread across the Greater Middle East and parts of Africa in these years. It has created new failed states in Syria, Yemen, and Libya. It has even given birth to the Frankenstein of ISIL that is now doing the dirty job for the War Party in Washington - with all those Saudi cash and European jihadists, involving the use of tens of thousands of American-made bombs, rockets and missiles - many of a “precision” against Russian and Syrian planes, helicopters and tanks.
Tragic enough, these proxy forces are still using these precision-guided bombs and missiles against civilian and government targets in not one but at least six Muslim countries, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Syria, and Yemen. During the process, the criminal hordes have killed hundreds of thousands of people, and have made millions more refugees.
Without a hint of exaggeration, therefore, George W. Bush was right to declare “Mission Accomplished” back when he was the president of the United States. The War Party couldn't be more happier. That “successful mission” was never about defeating terrorists. The bogus War on Terror without end (still expanding at the cost of untold numbers of civilian casualties) was always about attacking and dividing Muslim heartlands, creating new failed states, protecting Israel, pitting Muslims against Muslims, igniting arms race, and fuelling sectarian warfare. It was never about fighting terror, let alone “liberating” people and “democratising” their now in ruins communities.
No point in boring you with the more recent news about America’s bogus War on Terror. Just know this: America’s war on the heartlands of the Muslim world is now deeply embedded in the lifeblood of its political capital and the Military-Industrial Complex. Here, both presidential nominees Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are in favour of more war, more atrocity, and more barbarity – albeit with better terms and conditions.
The militarist candidates have no intention to ground the drones that continue to carry out White House-supervised assassination campaigns across a significant swath of the planet. Cut from the same political cloth, they are essentially committed to continuing America’s endless war on the Muslim world into the distant future.
Think of this as at least a “technical achievement” for the war-party cabal. On all counts, the bogus War on Terror (War on Islam) has been successful beyond what even its Christian-Zionist planners could have imagined. With perfect accuracy, the world should brand this as the perfect crime of the century.
Under these awful circumstances, don't hang your hopes on the future, believing against all odds that someone or something will detect this crime and institute changes at the United Nations to hold the war-party perpetrators accountable to the rule of International Law, much less save the divided Muslim world from inevitable ruin.