05 September 2016 - 23:37
News ID: 423254
Rasa - The Iranian ambassador to Baghdad says the Islamic Republic is prepared to further strengthen cooperation with Iraq in the fight against the Takfiri Daesh terrorist group.
Iranian Ambassador to Baghdad Hassan Danaeifar (L) meets with Secretary General of Iraq’s Islamic Dawa Party and former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in Baghdad, Iraq, September 4, 2016.

RNA - During a meeting with Secretary General of Iraq’s Islamic Dawa Party and former prime minister Nouri al-Maliki in Baghdad on Sunday, Hassan Danaeifar, the Iranian envoy, said Tehran seeks to broaden its amicable relations and cooperation with Baghdad in all spheres, including security issues and the campaign against Daesh.


He also congratulated Iraq on the recent liberation of the western city of al-Khalidiya from the grip of Daesh.


On August 27, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced the full liberation of Khalidiya, which is located about 83 kilometers (50 miles) west of Baghdad, stating that Iraqi forces had dealt a “humiliating” defeat to Daesh Takfiris with the liberation.


Iraqi Lieutenant General Rashid Falaih also announced that over 1,000 Daeshis had been killed during the Iraqi army’s operations to free the strategic town.


During the Sunday meeting, Maliki, for his part, emphasized that Iraqi security forces, fighters from the pro-government Popular Mobilization Units and Kurdish Peshmerga forces are resolute to put an end to Daesh’s presence in Mosul and eventually eliminate the terrorists from Iraqi soil.


The Iraqi politician also praised the Islamic Republic of Iran’s support for his country in the fight against terrorism.


The northern and western parts of Iraq have been plagued by gruesome violence ever since Daesh terrorists mounted an offensive there more than two years ago.


The militants have been committing vicious crimes against all ethnic and religious communities in Iraq, including Shias, Sunnis, Kurds and Christians.


The Iraqi army and fighters from the Popular Mobilization Units have been engaged in joint operations to retake militant-held regions.


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