RNA - “The Syrian situation is improving day by day in favor of the Syrian government and its allies, and the other side is losing day by day and facing crisis after crisis,” Qassem said during a graduation ceremony in the south Lebanon village of Kawthariyat al-Siyad.
“There is no future for the Takfiris, neither in Syria nor the region. They will drift in the world from one country to another and carry out indiscriminate attacks wherever they get the chance,” he added, ruling out the establishment or the expansion of Daesh rule in Syria, the Daily Star reported.
Daesh declared its own emirate in eastern Syrian and western Iraq back in 2014 when it took over large swathes of territory, proclaiming the Syrian city of Raqqa as its de-facto capital.
Hezbollah announced one year earlier that it was fighting alongside the Syrian army against terrorists in the country.
Turning to internal issues, Qassem said politicians should work on approving a new electoral law before studying an all-inclusive political deal to solve Lebanon’s crises.
The country’s rival factions have failed until now to find an alternate voting system to replace the contested 1960-majoritarian law, which most parties consider unfair.