RNA - At a time when half of the Middle East is burning in the flames of deceit, terror and war, it is indeed a revolutionary act on the part of an Israeli think tank to say that the existence of ISIL serves a "strategic purpose" for the West and the Zionist regime.
According to the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, which does contract work for NATO and Israel, the West should never destroy ISIL, the death cult that is committing genocide and ethnically cleansing minority groups in Syria and Iraq.
In the words of its director, Efraim Inbar, “ISIL is a useful tool in undermining Iran, Hezbollah, Syria and Russia. The continuing existence of ISIL serves a strategic purpose. The destruction of ISIL is a strategic mistake.”
In a paper published on Aug. 2, Inbar goes on to argue that “the West should seek the further weakening of Islamic State, but not its destruction. A weak IS is, counterintuitively, preferable to a destroyed IS.”
The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies is a think tank that says its mission is to advance “a realist, conservative, and Zionist agenda in the search for security and peace for Israel.” It is affiliated with Israel’s Bar Ilan University and has been supported by the Israeli regime, the NATO Mediterranean Initiative, the US embassy in Israel, and the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs.
Nevertheless, according to the think tank, it would be a good idea to also prolong the US-led war on Syria, which has destroyed the country, killing hundreds of thousands of people and displacing more than half the population. Mind you, that's not the only policy which the invaders of Syria wish to promote:
-What holds true for the United States and its client states is that support for terror groups and prolonging the war on Syria is the original raison d’être to protect Israel and counter its conventional enemies. The strategy the Israeli think tank proposes, that of allowing a terror group to continue fighting Western-Israeli enemies, is not necessarily a new one in American and Israeli foreign policy circles. It is reminiscent of the US Cold War policy of supporting terror groups like Al-Qaeda – the predecessor of ISIL - in order to get rid of long-term enemies.
-As for the argument that defeating ISIL would make the Middle East more stable, it is obvious that Israel doesn't favour regional peace and stability. It is desirable only if it serves Israel’s regional interests.
-It is self-defeating to claim that the West’s “main enemy” is not ISIL but Iran. It’s an acknowledgement that Iran is a responsible actor that fights ISIL in Iraq and Syria. The “threat against the West” comes from ISIL which has carried out so many terror attacks in Europe in coordination with certain regional and trans-regional partners in crime.
-It is beyond dispute that Iran is the mortal enemy of ISIL and other sectarian armed groups. Iran had nothing to do with the origins of ISIL and its sectarian agenda. The Sunni extremists and affiliates have massacred and ethnically cleansed Shiite Muslims in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere under direct supervision of their Wahhabi masters in Saudi Arabia. Their Saudi patrons bear responsibility for this atrocity - with the strongest commitment to a sectarian campaign against all Muslim and non-Muslim faiths, but Wahhabism and Salafism.
Given all this, the Americans are also inevitably stained by their participation in the sectarian war on Syria and its allies. The same applies to NATO forces dropping bombs on the war-torn country. Western nations cannot decontaminate themselves from the war even if they do not themselves commit atrocities on the ground.
Indeed, the “bad guys” here are not Iran, Syria, Russia and Hezbollah, who are battling against ISIL and other sectarian armed forces. The bad guys are “admittedly” the United States and its client states which engineered, assisted, trained and deployed ISIL and other useful idiots to plunge Syria – and Iraq - into a terrible sectarian bloodbath on the pretext of liberation and democracy-building.
The only certain thing here is that by ignoring public opinion and arming sectarian forces these state sponsors of terror and transgression are doing more to inflict death and destruction on a suffering country that poses no threat to them at all. The regime changers are also far greater threat to world peace and stability than the terrorist nuisance of ISIL and Al-Qaeda.