30 August 2016 - 23:39
News ID: 423107
Grand Terror Machination:
Rasa - For those who can't wait for an answer, it's obvious; the death cult of ISIL is made-in-the-USA - much like the Al-Qaeda franchise.
Israel support ISIL

RNA - America is using ISIL in three ways: To attack its enemies in the Middle East on the pretext of “War on Terror”, to serve as a pretext for US military intervention under the banner of “Humanitarianism”, and at home to foment a manufactured domestic threat in order to justify the expansion of invasive domestic surveillance.


The former director of the National Security Agency under Ronald Reagan, General William Odom is clear on that: “By any measure, the US has long used terrorism. In 1978-79 the Senate was trying to pass a law against international terrorism – in every version they produced, their lawyers said the US would be in violation.”


Lest we forget, the CIA gave birth to Al-Qaeda in the early 1980′s. Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook told the House of Commons that Al-Qaeda was unquestionably a product of Western intelligence agencies. Cook explained that Al-Qaeda was originally the computer database of the thousands of Islamist extremists, who were trained by the CIA and funded by the Saudis, in order to defeat the Russians in Afghanistan.


In 2012, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also very publicly admitted to the engineering and funding of Al-Qaeda as a tactical weapon of war in Afghanistan. Now that US officials have already owned up to creating and funding Al-Qaeda, admitting to ISIL as another interment of terror is not that big of a stretch.


Admittedly, ISIL is the War Party’s latest weapon of choice. In order to understand why ISIL grew and flourished so quickly in its early days, one has to take a look at the organisation’s US-backed roots.


The 2003 American invasion and occupation of Iraq created the pre-conditions for radical Wahhabi-Salafi groups, like ISIL, to take root. Rather than promoting religious integration and unity, American policy exacerbated sectarian divisions and created a fertile breading ground for Wahhabi-Salafi discontent, from which Al-Qaeda in Iraq took root.


ISIL used to have a different name: Al-Qaeda in Iraq. After 2010 the group rebranded and refocused its efforts on Syria, where many US-backed rebels have now turned out to be ISIL affiliates, who are openly brandishing American-made weaponry under the pretext of democracy-building.


A revealing light on how ISIL got here has also been shown by a recently declassified secret US intelligence report, written in August 2012, which uncannily predicts and welcomes the prospect of a “Salafist Principality” in eastern Syria and an “Islamic State” in Syria and Iraq.


In stark contrast to Western claims, the US Defense Intelligence Agency document identifies Al-Qaeda in Iraq (which became ISIL) and fellow Salafists as the “major forces driving the insurgency in Syria” – and states that “Western countries, the Persian Gulf states and Turkey” are supporting the opposition’s efforts to take control of eastern Syria.


Raising the “possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist Principality”, the Pentagon report goes on, “this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran)”.


However, ISIL is not merely an instrument of terror used by America to topple the Syrian government; it is also used to put pressure on Iran. Despite what the Western media’s war cries would have you believe, Iran is clearly not the threat to regional security, Washington is. Interestingly, before the nuclear deal, while the US and its allies rewrote International Law to freeze Iran out of the economic and financial loop by way of sanctions and draconian oversight on its foreign trade, ISIL was allowed to trade stolen oil from Iraq and Syria through Turkey and Jordan without so much as an eyebrow being raised!


That said, America only lately decided to target ISIL and the question is why. Well, again the answer is obvious; America’s relationship with terrorist groups has always been a love-hate affair. Depending on whether a particular terrorist group furthers American interests or not, the CIA either funds or aggressively targets that terrorist group. America decided to target its instrument of terror in Iraq and Syria because it has backfired – just like its Al-Qaeda franchise.


Facts point to a grand terror machination here: The terrorist group of ISIL was not an accident. It was engineered, assisted, trained and deployed under the authority of the United States and regional proxies to invade, occupy and exploit the Middle East - while claiming liberation and democracy-building.


Tags: Daesh Israel
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