RNA - Addressing a meeting with commanders and officials of Iran’s Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense Base on Sunday, the Leader added that the base stands "at the forefront of confrontation with any aggression."
Ayatollah Khamenei said the Islamic Republic is faced with an evil and deceitful front which is hostile to religious beliefs, independence and insurmountability of the Iranian nation.
“In the face of such an enemy, which seeks to undermine the country’s defensive prowess, the Armed Forces’ preparedness must be boosted to an extent that the enemy would not even dare to think about any aggression,” Ayatollah Khamenei stated.
The Leader mentioned "determination, resolve and capability of manpower" as the leading factors, which do away with obstacles and weaknesses.
He added that Iran’s Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense Base must realize the importance of its position and show determination and decisiveness to erode the enemy’s resolve in any attack.
“Our opposite side, which we refer to with such terms as the arrogant system or the global Zionism, is an evil and deceitful front with oppressive ideas, which is hostile to the Iranian nation's religious beliefs and independence and refusal to bow to bullying,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.
The Leader added that the hostility of this arrogant front has various appearances, adding, “One day, this enmity appears in the form of the United States of America, and another day, in the form of a bullying regime such as [that of the executed Iraqi dictator] Saddam [Hossein] .”
“However, it is important that we adopt and implement a correct stance and decision by using the country’s plentiful potential and capacities and by identifying the enemy’s position and plans,” the Leader pointed out.
Ayatollah Khamenei said foreign opposition and widespread hype over Russia's delivery of the S-300 air defense system to Iran and the status of the Fordow nuclear facility were major examples of the enemy’s wickedness.
“The S-300 system is a defensive and not an offensive system, but the Americans made their utmost efforts to [prevent] the Islamic Republic’s access to such a facility,” the Leader added.
The Leader said the enemy does not even recognize the Iranian nation’s right to protect itself and “in fact, it is saying that you [must] remain defenseless so that we can attack your country any time we want.”
Ayatollah Khamenei further urges the air defense base to remain vigilant, take timely action, and use different approaches and advanced means.
“The enemy must understand that if it launches an attack, it will be dealt a powerful blow and that our defense will also include giving a [proper] response [to any aggressor],” the Leader added.
Prior to the Leader’s remarks, Brigadier General Farzad Esmaili, the commander of the Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense Base, outlined the base’s most important measures to defend the country.