RNA - An 18-year-old student was forbidden from wearing the niqab – a full-face veil that leaves only the eyes uncovered – earlier this week after a school said it hindered her educational development, the Telegraph reported on Wednesday.
The woman brought a claim against the Sophie School evening school in Osnabrück but lost her case in court.
The German Education and Science Workers’ Union (GEW), which represents thousands of teachers among its 260,000 members, condemned the case.
“A ban on full body veils is a move in completely the wrong direction,” spokesperson Ilka Hoffmann told the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung.
“We cannot exclude women from education just because they are wearing the burqa or niqab.”
She said that school is a safe space where girls who may wish not to wear the veil can gain confidence to make their own choice, adding, “We should encourage this kind of transformation process, not hinder it.”
But the union does support a ban on teachers wearing burqas or niqabs, arguing that as representatives of the German state they must abide by its secular rules.
German politicians continue debate the possibility of a France-style “burqa ban” but critics say the controversial law would violate the right to religious freedom enshrined in the country’s constitution.
The right-wing CDU and CSU parties are currently drafting proposals to forbid full-face veils in certain public spaces as part of anti-extremism policy.
Two influential German legal associations have also been calling for headscarves to be banned for judges and lawyers to uphold “neutrality” in court.
Thomas de Maiziere, the interior minister, said he would be in favour of banning facial coverings for women in the public sector, including universities, schools, the civil service and judiciary.
Chancellor Angela Merkel also inferred she would support the move, saying that a “completely covered woman has almost no chance of integrating herself in Germany”.
Opposition parties have criticised a prospective ban, saying it is a distraction from the “real issues” of integration and radicalisation, and is alienating Muslims and spreading hate.