RNA - If secrecy fails, they attack the credibility of their victims and critics. If they cannot silence them absolutely, they always try to make sure no one listens. Always.
The rules are simple: The propagandists lie to us, we know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, but they keep lying to us, and they keep pretending we believe them. To demonstrate, the American government has continued to lie about its bogus War on Terror for many, many years. Now it lies about its strategic relationship with Riyadh in the running war on Yemen, and it expects us to believe. It is naive, we feel:
The Pentagon claims it has withdrawn the vast majority of the military personnel involved in the war against Yemen, saying there are now “fewer than five” US troops inside Saudi Arabia participating in the operation, down from nearly 45 at the peak of America’s involvement!
This is rubbish. It is okay for the Official Washington to be absurd, ridiculous, and downright irrational at times; silliness is sweet syrup that helps the desperate warmongers swallow the bitter pills of their failed war and imperial fantasy. That the US government remains defiant in its criminal support for the Saudi campaign, even as its backing for the indiscriminate assault comes under increasing international scrutiny, is truly the stuff of nightmares. It defies logic.
What's beyond dispute is that the announcement has come at the end of a week of several high-profile incidents in which Saudi warplanes attacked and killed significant numbers of Yemeni civilians and medics, including an attack on a school and the bombing of a Doctors Without Borders facility.
What we got here now is an alleged drawdown related to international concerns about civilian deaths. Perhaps this is really the case. But that does in no way diminish US commitment to supporting Saudi-led military operations. The re-escalation option is still on the table as the US has simply relocated its military personnel – in their hundreds if not thousands - to its naval base in Bahrain, which is not far from the conflict zone.
Into the argument, even if the War Party decides to permanently move all its military personnel from Saudi Arabia, it will still have no impact whatsoever on the war. With all those American ammunition and weaponry, as well as diplomatic support and lobby at the United Nations, the criminal hordes will continue to enjoy extensive support for their indiscriminate bombing campaign against the poorest nation in the Middle East.
Mind you, despite the drawdown myth, the United States bears a large part of the responsibility for Saudi war crimes as well. It is complicit because the US is actively selling the Saudis and the mere extras billions of dollars of weaponry. They are re-supplying planes engaged in the bombing runs as well as providing intelligence for the civilian targets that Saudi Arabia is hitting.
What's more, the hypocrites are doing all this with help from NATO partners in crime. This equally makes NATO members accountable for backing and funding a humanitarian catastrophe that is no doubt illegal and by no means less destructive than what they are doing in Syria.
With what they have done thus far, it’s a clear point by now that the regime changers have no intention whatsoever to move their military personnel away from the Yemen conflict, much less withhold their criminal support for the grotesque killing of innocent civilians.
As maintained by Yemenis, “This is not a Saudi bombing campaign, this is a US bombing campaign.” The imperial evidence is damning. They are right to blame the War Party in Washington for the carnage just as much as the House of Saud and the minions. It's a full-fledged military campaign to regime change Yemen into their liking.