RNA - The Mail reported on Sunday that it has discovered shocking evidence that proves IS is using mustard gas against the Kurdish forces in northern Iraq.
In an interview with Mail on Sunday, the victims described poisonous yellow clouds of mustard gas burning their skin and damaging their lungs by the banned weapons.
The injuries on the bodies of the victims such as blisters on their skin and damaged lungs are clear signs of the use of mustard gas by the extremist group.
"ISIS has used the lethal gas repeatedly against the Kurdish forces who are battling to drive out the terrorists.”
Around 100 Peshmerga fighters have been injured in mustard gas attacks thus far, which are carried out by the militants against Peshmerga twice a week.
Their injuries have been verified as the effect of mustard gas, according to experts from the US and Italy.
The terrorists are now able to produce sophisticated chemical weapons on an industrial scale in Iraq and the experts warn about their use in defending the group's stronghold city of Mosul in northern Iraq during the Mosul operation.