RNA – In an interview with the media, Hujjat al-Islam Mohammad-Mahdi Gorjian congratulated the believers on the auspicious birth anniversary of Imam al-Ridha and added, “A key feature of Imam al-Ridha’s illuminated life which can be used as a lesson in our lives was his devotion to educating the people and promoting knowledge among them, as he was titled ‘the most knowledgeable of Muhammad’s Household’ and everyone, particularly clerics must pursue his teachings.”
The deputy of research in Baqir al-Uloum University added: “Second to his knowledge and wisdom comes his tolerance, the Imam managed to promote Shi’a teachings, including the concepts of imamate and wilayah throughout his hard lifetime with the aid of his great tolerance.”
Hujjat al-Islam Gorjian said, “When Imam al-Ridha was forced to immigrate from Madinah to Iran and the city of Tus to be appointed as Mamoun’s crown prince, he continued promoting the knowledge of the Ahlul-Bayt as well as defending the Shi’a school of thought through his wisdom and patience. It must be noted that the promotion of Shi’ism in today’s world, especially in Iran is due to the great Imam’s serious efforts and endeavours.”
In conclusion, His Eminence said, “As a matter of fact, this fascinating achievement due to Imam al-Ridha’s endeavours is a great lesson for all of us as his followers to try harder to propagate divine truths and to preserve the school of thought of the Ahlul-Bayt.”