RNA – In a meeting with a group of Shi’a clerics and preachers in Mashhad, Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem-Shirazi pointed at Wahhabi-Takfiri ideology which approves of shedding the blood of infidels, “They believe confiscation of the infidels’ belongings and possessions is permitted while God states in the 8th and 9th verses of Surah al-Mumtahanah:
“God does not forbid you from dealing with kindness and justice with those [polytheists] who did not make war against you on account of religion and did not expel you from your homes. Indeed God loves the just. God forbids you only in regard to those who made war against you on account of religion and expelled you from your homes and supported [the polytheists of Makkah] in your expulsion, that you make friends with them, and whoever makes friends with them—it is they who are the wrongdoers.”
The revered source of emulation further reiterated, contrary to the general belief which categorizes the infidel in two groups of dhimmi (protected) and combatant, these people, based on Quranic verses, are categorized into four groups.
His Eminence continued, saying: “The first are those who have nothing to do with Muslims and do not interact with them and vice versa, the second group are those who are called Islam’s allies, they have embassies in Islamic countries and are at mutual peace with them and protect their rights; the third group are people whose security is provided by Islamic countries and they reside in Iran on visas and passports, as long as they do not commit crimes the Islamic government let them be free; it must be noted that dhimmi infidels are of the same type whereas combatant infidel are considered enemies to Islam.”
Elsewhere in his remarks, Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi asserted, “Wahhabis regard Sunni Muslims, Shi’as, Christians and generally all followers of any other religion as infidels; they have no understanding of genuine Islam and its principles whatsoever.” His Eminence urged the clerics to engage in propagating Islam and its genuine teachings and stressed, “While promoting Islam and its teachings, Shi’a preachers must take heed of moral principles and do not insult Sunni teachings and their sanctities ever.”