RNA - For more than a decade now, the United States, Britain, France, and the EU with NATO at its helm have been waging a bogus war on terror - War on Islam - without any success. People are flooding Europe because of NATO's support for US wars in Middle East that is destabilising everything and causing a flight of refugees not only from Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Libya but also from Ukraine.
Now that the British people have become disentangled from the EU, the War Party and its vassals are doing everything they can to ominously turn the Brexit campaign into yet another Arab Spring, a popular uprising against tyranny that failed so spectacularly five years ago after Western intervention.
Several things must be noted here:
-That there is an online petition for a second referendum and "sensible compromise" is totally irrelevant. Britain has voted for Brexit and the decision is irreversible. The voters have spoken and the move should be respected and implemented quickly even if that requires invoking Article 50 to withdraw from the EU right away. This can end an uncertain and indefinite situation within the EU as well. The British government will cause sociopolitical stresses and political damages if they wait until October.
-Divided Britain was suffering from a deep political, security and economic uncertainty long before its people decided to leave the EU - the biggest blow since World War II to Washington's war policy. Little wonder President Barack Obama, having lost his inside-EU ally, says Brexit would lead to a banishment of Britain to the back of the negotiating queue. After all, smaller states only matter if they are wedged into a series of agreements and arrangements with an overseeing hegemon.
-The British vote is a catalyst for similar moves in Europe, even within the United Kingdom itself. The EU is sort of like the former Soviet Union. There is a feeling that the EU, the eurozone and the euro is out of date and not reformable. Europe has to be taken apart in order to be put together not on a right-wing, neoliberal basis, but on a more social, globally responsible and peaceful basis.
-People don't want to go to military war again. There is a fear that the countries in Europe may go to war against Russia, pushed by NATO and the adventurism of the War Party in Washington. The majoritarian communities say the eurozone has become belligerent, no longer a bulwark of military peace. They want peace and that means withdrawing from the eurozone, Brussels, NATO, and the United States. The whole withdrawal from the EU means withdrawal from war.
-The mainstream media and establishment intellectuals are free to panic over short-run economic damages due to market overreaction. The truth is any danger of this is due to their own greed and negligence - just like the Syrian refugee crisis. The establishment failed to implement prudent, financial regulation in the seven years since the last financial crisis crashed the global economy. The establishment also failed to realise that the key to ending Europe's refugee crisis is to end the war on Syria. It is comical to watch them blame all negative trends on Brexit and those who brought it on, rather than on the establishment’s policies which are actually responsible.
-Brexit is a blow to the US leadership resisting demands for a change in course in Mideast. Progressive forces in Europe are trying to mobilise and cite the Brexit vote as a sign of what will eventually become of the EU if there is not a major change in course. The vote has become the vehicle for peaceful agendas that have little to do with Washington's wars and its deadly relationship to Europe.
Finally and in a nutshell, what is happening in Britain and Europe is nothing less than a breakdown of the entire colonial system. Here, Brexit is a blessing in disguise for Britain and the EU, and its supporters should celebrate. They no longer need to identify with the American interests and foreign policy - even if they may be cushioned by promises of good relations and a false sense of autonomy and security.
That said, the people of Britain are not in isolation either, as the international civil society has similar feelings about the United States and its pro-war, new Cold War policy - a regime that survives only by stirring up conflict and then selling itself as the only option to confront the conflict it churned up.