RNA - Daesh militant Abu Assad Almani posted two photos of young women on his Facebook page on May 20 with captions saying they are for sale, the Washington Post said in a report on Saturday.
“To all the bros thinking about buying a slave, this one is $8,000,” he wrote for the first photo.
Only hours later, he posted another picture reading, “another sabiyah [slave], also about $8,000. Yay, or nay?”
Facebook deleted the photos of the two unidentified women within hours. The images, however, were captured by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), a US-based group that monitors Takfiri groups’ social media pages.
“We have seen a great deal of brutality, but the content that ISIS (Daesh) has been disseminating over the past two years has surpassed it all for sheer evil,” said MEMRI’s Executive Director Steven Stalinsky.
“Sales of slave girls on social media is just one more example of this,” he added.
Almani is reportedly a German national who fights for Daesh in Syria. He has used his social media accounts to raise money for the Takfiri group and his posts showed that he is familiar with the terrorist group’s activities in the Syrian city of Raqqa, Stalinsky said.
While posting the pictures, Almani asked his Facebook friends to “get married” and “come to dawlah,” a term referring to Daesh territory in Iraq and Syria.
The Daesh militant also engaged in a discussion with people posting comments about whether the women are worth $8,000.
“What makes her worth that price? Does she have an exceptional skill?” one respondent wrote.
“Nope. Supply and demand makes her that price,” Almani responded.
Human Rights Watch (HRW) has said Daesh holds 1,800 people only from the capture of Izadi girls in the region.
The rights organization said in a recent report about the ordeals suffered by three dozen Iraqi and Syrian women who escaped from Daesh-controlled regions. The report also recounted the sufferings of a number Izadi sex slaves who said they were raped by different men as they were sold and traded.