RNA - Restless, and in desperate need of hope, the War Party and company continue to lead lives of desperation, still searching for some sort of victory in that war-torn country. Their latest victim? The village of Khan Touman, just southwest of Aleppo itself.
The regime changers helped the Al-Nusra Front - the Syria arm of Al-Qaeda - and units of the Free Syrian Army to occupy some parts of the village. The un-evolved and demonic zealots did this after relocating some 20,000 terrorists to Northern Aleppo via Turkey's soil.
This is not surprising. The battle of Khan Touman is yet another sign that the long-suffering people of Syria are victims of outright American military violence and of war waged by its terror proxies. Syria bleeds as a result of American regime-change fantasies and military-energy provisions. Millions of people have also had their homes destroyed and are forced to make dangerous treks in hopes of finding safety behind the closed doors of Fortress Europe.
While the US-instigated war goes on, the allied forces – Syria, Iran, Russia, and Hezbollah - make gains against foreign-backed terrorists. Because they are winning, the regime changers continue to violate the ceasefire agreement and make bizarre demands that “Assad must go” by August 1! However, Syrian, Iranian and Russian officials have made clear that they won’t take the US military escalation lying down. In between, while the corporate media follow the regime changers blindly, they won’t tell viewers and listeners that Washington and company have no business of any sort in Syria.
Aleppo is Syria, just as Mosul is Iraq. Of course, there are Iranian and Russian planes and military advisors there. But they are there at the request of Damascus while American forces have received no invitation of any sort. Under International Law, Iran and Russia have every right to help Syria in its ongoing war on terror. These very simple facts are rarely presented to people in the West who have no idea that by supporting various terrorist groups their officials have been complicit in war crimes and crimes committed against humanity.
They also have no idea that there are now American boots on the ground. So far just about 300 Special Forces, but even that small number is too high and represents the extent to which the War Party is committed to maintaining the imperialist project of affecting regime change and undoing old borders in the Levant.
With the battle still raging on in Khan Touman, there is no longer any pretense of ceasefire holding. The corporate media play along and tell lies of violations on the part of Damascus, which is a joke. They blame the Syrian government for violating the ceasefire, but won’t tell readers and viewers that it is the War Party and company that are taking advantage of the agreement to retake lost territory.
Obviously, the regime changers want to commit more destruction than they have already. Turning Syria into an utterly failed state was not enough. They want to occupy its ruins too, with no intention whatsoever to end the conflict altogether. The allied forces are fully aware of this. They also know that the next US president will be someone who likes Obama’s imperialist foreign policy in Syria as it is.
That says why they have taken matters into their own hands. Ceasefire notwithstanding, they are gearing up to retake Khan Touman in its entirety. Their anti-terror fight, although complex, is a cakewalk, indeed key to the establishment of peace in the entire region and beyond. As always, the allied forces will win this battle. They will also dislodge the Salafi-Takfiri militants from Syria one way or another.