RNA - The Duchiradan or Du-Chi-Yar-Tan (locally known as Kilaidaung) is a village in southern Maungdaw already crippled by the government-sponsored violence early this year. Tens of people were killed, many women were raped and hundreds of homes and burnt down and plundered, whereas hundreds were forced to leave home.
Today, the raid on the pretext of arresting people suspected to have links with external rebel groups lasted for three hours causing serious damages to the village again.
“A joint force of around 300 the police, the Border Guard Police and Immigration in total raided the village of Duchiradan at around 12:30AM today. It continued until 3:30AM.
During the raid, they arrested 4 innocent people and plundered at 14 homes: their money, gold and other valuable properties. They tortured the innocent people found and bodily harassed the girls/women.