Rasa News Agency reports from Karachi – A Shi’ah father and his son embraced martyrdom due to fatal bullet wounds they suffered in an attack by Takfiri terrorists in Karachi on Tuesday.
The notorious Takfiri terrorists of the banned group Sipah-e Sahabah ambushed Sabir Husayn and his son Haydar near Irani Camp in Mominabad Orangi Town. They opened fire on them leaving them seriously wounded. They were rushed to hospital where they breathed their last.
Shi’ah parties and leaders have condemned the targeted murders of the Shi’ah father and son. They warned the Pakistani government to take action against the terrorists or they would come out on streets and begin staging a sit-in to oust them from power. They demanded that a military operation be launched in Karachi to eliminate the terrorists and that those Takfiri terrorists arrested by the security officials should be hanged publicly.
Takfiri terrorism in Pakistan has become a major and highly destructive phenomenon in recent years. Takfiri groups have systematically targeted Shi’ah Muslims. They have the support of Saudi Arabia, who funds of fundamentalist Wahhabi madrassahs in Pakistan. Recently, terrorist groups are showing greater sensitivity to the influence of the ideology propagated by the so-called Islamic State.
Allamah Amin Shahidi, the deputy secretary general of Majlis-e Wahdat-e Muslimeen, the biggest religious-political Shi’ah party in Pakistan, has said that during 2014 alone, 160 Shi’ah Muslims were martyred during and among them were 3 eminent scholars, 5 doctors, 5 engineers, 3 professors, 5 lawyers, 21 traders, 90 students and youths, and police officials.