News ID: 449007
Date of Release: 08:09 - 13 February 2020

The Eye-opening REALITY of Living in the West | REFLECT

Finally revealed: The truth about living in the West. Shaykh Farukh Sekaleshfar talks on the spiritual secrets of the Islamic Revolution. What does it mean to attain true freedom? Are you a Slave to a Taghuti System in the West? The Revolutionaries are celebrating the 22nd of Bahman - the 41st anniversary of the Islamic Revolution paving the way towards the global uprising of Imam Mahdi (A)… but what does this mean for those living in non-Islamic environments, particularly in the West? Shaykh explains using Quran how you cannot live comfortably under Taghuti (tyrannical) systems like in the West. But what if you were born in the West? What about being an “ambassador to Islam” in the West? Is integrating into the Taghuti system problematic? "…Exit your people from the veils of darkness towards the light and remind them of the Days of Allah…” - The Holy Quran [14:5] Courtesy Islamic Pulse
تعداد بازدید : 3
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