RNA - According to Haaretz newspaper, a plan to build about 1,400 housing units in settlements in the West Bank and Jerusalem will be approved during the current week by the Israeli political echelon.
It will be the final stage of the government’s approvals for this plan before tenders for the building of another 3,500 housing units for settlers will be published soon.
Almost 1,000 housing units will be built in Betar Ilit, 1,000 in Efrat, 343 in Elkana, 750 in Ma’aleh Adumim, 323 in Kfar Adumim, 263 in Karnei Shomron, 250 in Harsha, 176 in Givat Ze’ev, 165 in Shilo, 107 in Elon Moreh, 73 in Ariel, 40 in Pedu’el, 64 in Oranit, 38 in Nokdim, 32 in Beit Aryeh, and 27 in Klalim.
Two weeks ago, the Hebrew media reported that the construction and housing ministry is about to approve hundreds of new housing units in the West Bank and Jerusalem. Some of these units will be built outside the settlement blocs.
According to those plans, more than 700 housing units will be marketed in the neighborhoods of Pisgat Ze’ev and Ramot in Eastern Jerusalem, beyond the Green Line. And another 260 housing units will be marketed in Alfei Menashe, Emanuel and Adam.
In addition, some of the apartments will be built in the communities of Beit Arye (which is considered part of Ariel) and Ma’aleh Ephraim, which is outside the settlement blocs.