RNA - According to the Syrian state media, the shells contained chlorine gas and as many as 50 people suffered from the effects. Of course, the “moderates” are denying that they used chemical weapons in any way. However, they have worked on chemical weapons capabilities. They have also used such attacks to cause panic, sicken many, and then use it as a false flag against the Syrian government forces.
The media says the shells hit two districts. Witnesses reported that the al-Razi hospital was treating those wounded in strikes or sickened by the chlorine gas. Though American and Western officials have been deeply critical when the government’s forces are framed for such attacks, they are yet to say anything because their favourite terrorists who are behind the Thursday attacks have failed to entrap the government troops in a set up to work out a complete false-flag situation.
Quite the opposite, they prefer to claim that this is a “civil” war; the “rebels” are “democratic”; and the Syrian government does “starve its own people”, even using chemical weapons against them! In other words, they will never bother to use the new incident in Aleppo as further proof that America’s favourite terrorists have once again deployed chemical weapons against civilians since the incident is short of anything that could implicate the Syrian government.
They all know that the OPCW in its November 2013 report did confirm that Syria had “completed the functional destruction of critical equipment for all of its declared chemical weapons production facilities and mixing/filling plants, rendering them inoperable.”
They also know that chemical weapons can be delivered with rockets used by terrorists to justify Western intervention and salvage their faltering position. These goons don't need to have access to technology. A rocket can be launched from a simple tube, and the only additional technology they may have required for the larger rockets to attack Aleppo would have been a truck to mount them on.
Further still, they know that the attack on Aleppo would need to utilize stabilized chemical weapons and personnel trained in their use. From stockpiles looted in Libya to chemical arms covertly transferred by the US or Israel into Syria, there is no short supply of possible sources for those who attacked Aleppo.
And finally, regarding these murderous US-backed elements lacking the necessary training to handle chemical weapons – US policy has seen to it that not only did they receive the necessary training, but American-Israeli military contractors specializing in chemical warfare are reported to be on the ground with militants inside Syria. Western media news networks reported back in 2012: “US helping underwrite Syrian rebel training in Turkey and Jordan on securing chemical weapons.”
In terms of International Law, however, the United States has invaded Syria, a sovereign country and a United Nations member state. The United States, by tacitly joining forces with exporters of radical Wahhabi ideology Saudi Arabia, Israel and the UAE, also used the bogus war on terror to occupy the failed state permanently. Now the criminal hordes have begun looking the other way as their goons attack innocent civilians in Aleppo with chemical weapons. At the same time, they continue to build illegal military bases in Northern Syria, demonize the Syrian government for fighting their terror proxies, call for a wider war on Syria, and prolong the disaster that is the Syrian conflict.
The new conclusive evidence demonstrates that the widespread suffering of the Syrian people could be averted if only the United States and its client states stopped assisting, training, weaponizing (including with chemical weapons) and deploying their instruments of terror into Syria on the pretext of liberation and democracy-building.
According to Fars News Agancy, the regime changers are free to claim otherwise, but the powerful reality is that by backing these terrorist groups they also condone their beheadings and chemical attacks, and hence, are complicit in their crimes against humanity. What's more, as maintained by United Nations High Commission for Human Rights, the US-led war on terror - and support for “moderate” rebels - violates UN conventions. The international civil society is outraged by the hypocrisy of the West's supposed respect for human rights while America’s favourite terrorists use chemical weapons to target civilians in Syria. A permanent occupation of Northern Syria implies a permanent US-led war on Syria and its allies as well.
The US government and associates continue to justify the training and arming of their “moderate” terrorists in the push for regime change in Damascus. These countries have a long record of supporting terrorists and using false flag operations and tactics to implicate the Syrian government for their own chemical attacks against the Syrian people. The slogans of humanitarianism merely make them look hypocritical to the rest of the world community.
Since it is clear from the above material that the War Party and associates have frequently used terror tactics and false flag operations, and have, even to the present time, supported many chemical weapons attacks against civilians, they all wind up being complicit in their terror proxy forces’ chemical crimes. It is long overdue they observed International Law and the UN Charter, and stopped training and arming their “moderate” goons with chemical weapons in Syria.