RNA - The idea that Macron is driving Trump’s decision-making was a big issue last week. Macron claimed credit for Trump agreeing to stay in Syria, but quickly reversed course, and insisted the two had always agreed on the issue. This is while Trump’s public position on Syria has varied wildly over the last several weeks. US policy, however, has not changed at all, with the Pentagon regime contractors on the ground continuing to build bases to house US troops in the long-term, and showing no sign that withdrawal is a serious possibility. On that note:
1- There is no difference between Macron’s position on Syria and Trump’s own. Trump shows signs of trying to extricate the US from Syria, but that’s just lip-service. The reality is that war-party Washington has no intention to leave Syria under any circumstances, much less abandon its regional designs, that are far more than just the issue of staying and entertaining. As Trump admits, after 20 years of war and destruction and spending billions of dollars, the US got nothing in return. This time, though, something has to give – at least that’s what he wishes now.
2- Both the US and France – and the rest of the pack – are the main losers of Syria war. They threaten, they accuse (alleged Syria chemical attacks), they bomb, they even try to derail the Syria talks initiated by Iran, Russia and Turkey all because they want to force themselves into this new equation, new reality in Syria and beyond. They just want a piece of the cake and that’s why they say they will murder Iranian, Russian and Syrian forces. Simply put, they want to have a say – any say – in Syria’s political future. They are in the know that they lack any strategy to do so. They also know that they no longer have the upper hand or say in military terms and equaitons either.
3- The Trump regime might or might not exit the nuclear deal the US sealed with Iran in 2015 along with other members of the United Nations Security Council plus Germany. Only time will tell. One thing is certain though. Trump’s exit from the nuclear deal is just a ruse, indeed a distraction, a potential inciting incident designed to trigger a bigger conflict in Syria, that will be open-ended and protractive – just like in Yemen and Afghanistan. However, they are not after a win – they know they can’t one. They just want to restore some part of the hegemonic prestige that they once enjoyed in the Middle East.
4- War-party Washington is desperate to delay the finalisation of victory by the allied forces of Iran, Syria, Russia and Hezbollah – for as long as it can. The US-led regime changers lost the war on Syria all because of Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah’s timely intervention – who were later joined by Russia. Saudi Arabia and Israel are still biting their nails in anger and frustration, the depth to which the Trumpsters and Macronites have already sunk themselves to get revenge. They are no longer spending their time hoping Iran and Hezbollah will suffer the consequences for backing Syria in the war against ISIL and Al-Qaeda – America’s own creations. They are allowing themselves to derail the Syria talks and up the ante so they could hurt Iran in Syria.
5- The United States government and the mere extras, including France’s President Emmanuel Macron, claim “we are seeking to build a new Syria with the help from their moderate terrorist democrats. However, this is just to convince themselves to keep their occupying troops in the war-torn country. This way, even if there is no war with Iran and no victory for their terror proxies, they can at least appease Israel which wants to keep Syria busy at war with itself and at the expense of the Palestinians, and Saudi Arabia which foolishly spent billions of dollars in weaponizing its Takfiri-Wahhabi goons that ultimately turned out to be money down the drain.
6- The increasing military presence of the US-led coalition in northern Syria goes in line with Washington’s regional designs to restore its lost sway in the region and to counter Iranian-Russian efforts to rebuild the post-ISIL country. To substantiate, on April 22, the US Department of State released a statement saying that no international assistance and reconstruction effort has to be provided to the Syrian government.
It means what it means. The United States does not believe that any reconstruction assistance should go to any areas under the control of Syrian government. A new Syria at peace with itself and its neighbours where America’s terror proxies no longer reign supreme is bad news for the Military-Industrial Complex and Western weapons manufacturers. It becomes clear that Western governments oppose any reconstruction efforts in the liberated, government-held part of Syria because they still see the humanitarian assistance as a tool of political influence on the country. In other words, they want to achieve their political goals even at the cost of civilians' lives and suffering.
At the same time, War Party is using every trick in the diplomatic book to derail the Astana format, which has achieved a lot since it was launched by Iran, Russia and Turkey, one being the successful establishment of three de-militarization zones in Syria.
In brief, the War Party is not expanding its military infrastructure in Syria to rebuild the unfortunate nation with a helping hand from France and others. Far from it. The War Party is preparing for a new round of the diplomatic-military conflict over the country that we all know is toothless and destined to fail. Iran and Russia do not budge and the US will fail again along with anyone else accompanying the hopeless and capricious US president.
Source: Fars News Agancy