RNA - He said ISIL and Takfiri terrorist groups were not created for war with Syria alone; they were formed to target Iran, and hence, Iran’s advisory forces are not only defending Syria and Iraq, but also Iran and the whole Muslim world.
The Iranian commander is not alone and the “fakestream” media in the West can no longer cover up the fact that many American officials have already admitted in public that the US government created both ISIL and Al-Qaeda. The US never actively fought them, but instead supported them in the Middle East.
To substantiate, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton once admitted without a word of caution or regret: “Let’s remember here… the people we are fighting today we funded them twenty years ago. Let’s go recruit these extremists. And great, let them come from Saudi Arabia and other countries, importing their Wahabi brand of Islam...”
Think it through. The global “War on Terror” is led by the United States. But it is not directed against ISIL and Al-Qaeda. Quite the opposite, Clinton said it is the “right thing” to support them or that the “best way to help Israel is to destroy Syria”.
To this end, the bogus “War on Terror” campaign uses these terrorist operatives as America’s foot soldiers. The eternal occupation of Syria and the Middle East after ISIL is an integral part of this foreign policy, a means to destabilizing sovereign countries and imposing regime change.
That says why the Trump White House is in direct liaison with “moderate” rebels in occupied Raqqa, integrated by ISIL and other terror groups and funded by the US and regional allies.
The US government purposely created the terrorist groups to justify its endless “War on Terror” and military interventions and occupations in the heartlands of the Muslim world. The nefarious agenda is to foment perpetual war and occupation, not for the sake of global safety and security, but for protecting Israel and American interests.
It’s an indication of Washington’s murderous and psychopathic nature. It proves that the US government sponsors terrorism, all in order to protect Israel, divide and rule, trigger arms race, contain Iran, defend US hegemony, and manipulate regional governments to the enrichment and empowerment of Official Washington. Tragic enough, the world’s public is too brainwashed by lies to do anything about it, all while Washington’s vassals in Europe have to pretend that this policy of state terrorism is bringing freedom and democracy.
Lest we forget: The DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) is 1 of 16 US military intelligence agencies. The DIA wrote on August 12, 2012: “There is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist Principality in eastern Syria, and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime…”
This was all written before ISIL came on to the world stage. ISIL was no random Syrian uprising, but a carefully groomed and orchestrated controlled opposition group. And the “supporting powers to the opposition” referred to were Saudi Arabia and the mere extras, who were in turn being supported by Washington and Tel Aviv to overthrow the Syrian government but failed. It’s yet another key giveaway as to why this terrorist group never attacked Israel when it had the means to do so.
What’s obvious is that ISIL and its monstrosities were not defeated by the same powers that brought it to Iraq and Syria. ISIL was a US-Israeli creation, a truth as black and white as the colours on their flag. It was defeated by the anti-partition alliance of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Russia, Hezbollah and Popular Mobilisation Units. They should take credit for it.