RNA – In an interview with Rasa News Agency, Muhammad Abdul-Razzaq al-Asadi, an Iraqi political and media analyst, referring to the cutting of relations between several Arab countries, led by Saudi Arabia, with Qatar said, “The current tensions and conflicts between Qatar and Saudi Arabia are in fact the crystallization of old policies between the two countries and this problem is not new.”
He added, “Political differences in countries which are under the influence and domination of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, as well as tensions that emerged in the economic sphere, led this current incident.”
al-Asadi said American President Donald Trump’s visit to Riyadh came after the arrival of a new generation of Saudi rulers which are distant from politics and diplomacy and only have a propensity towards extremist policies. They sought to avoid breaking ties and the subjugation of the government of Qatar and for this reason, the Qatari media has considered the actions carried out by Saudi Arabia an answer and a response to Qatari government policies.
“But the consequences of this conflict must be sought in the future of the region. Saudi Arabia has strived with all its might to create a state of instability in the Qatari government by empowering the opposition. The struggle for power among the princes will be used just as the current king of Qatar [Tamim ibn Hamad al-Thani] came to power through a coup d’état against his father,” he said.
al-Asadi noted that Saudi Arabia will establish relations with many Qatari opposition figures and opponents of the policies and practices of government of the current rulers and will again seek to overthrow the emir of the country, but whether they will do so they will or not will be decided with attention to the instability within Saudi society.
“Given the current situation in the region and the tensions of the past few years, the possibility of a coup d’état in Qatar is very difficult. It can be said that tensions between Saudi Arabia and Qatar will increase over time and may lead to military conflict,” he stated.
The political expert described the effect of the Saudi-Qatari dispute as regarding the various terrorist groups supported by the two countries and said, “Conflicts and disagreements of opinion exist in many countries facing the problem of terrorism, particularly in Egypt and Syria. In these countries, we have seen political conflict and differences of opinion and this naturally leads to tension. Qatar supports personalities, parties and groups which are opposed to the Saudis to balance the scales. However, the conflict has reached its peak and I believe nothing more will come of it.”
al-Asadi said that all these differences which are seen today have been revealed in the media and added that in his opinion, even regarding the issue of mediation, won’t achieve any result because this is an old conflict and is over more than political issues. Besides political issues, the main issue is over economics and such issue can not be resolved by mediation and it’s in the best interest to return to the previous conditions.
“Saudi Arabia says to Qatar says, ‘you’re either with us or against us’ and in this regard, Qatar has remained quiet and regarding the internal problems in Saudi Arabia, it has opened its mouth and such verbal conflicts will continue,” he said.