Service :
16 May 2017 - 22:08
News ID: 429674
Iraqi military officials:
Rasa - An Iraqi commander says Daesh terrorists holed up in west Mosul are taking their last breaths.
Iraqi Forces Hashd

RNA - After around seven months of fighting between Iraqi forces and the Takfiri terrorists, Daesh has been removed from most of Mosul and is expected to make their last stand around the Grand al-Nuri Mosque. Daesh’s leader, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, announced the forming of the group’s so-called caliphate from the mosque in 2014.


"These are their dying breaths. They are completely surrounded…If we advance this quickly, we can finish it in days," said First Lieutenant Nawfal al-Dhari on Monday.


Other Iraqi military commanders and officials have stressed that they aim to retake the mosque before the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan.


“Our advance on a vast front has stunned the enemy and, God willing, we will achieve victory before Ramadan and announce the liberation of Mosul and people of Mosul from the dirtiness of Daesh," said Lieutenant General Othman al-Ghanmi, chief of staff.


Officials have also noted that the remaining number of terrorists in the city has been diminishing while disorganization is increasing in their ranks.


“Daesh are losing the ability to fight back. It's obvious they are blundering. We want to make the Old City a closed death casket for Daesh," said an Iraqi army intelligence colonel.


"Yes there will be remnants of Daesh inside the Old City, but it will be as easy as hunting rabbits to take them down," he added.


Iraqi army soldiers and volunteer fighters from the Popular Mobilization Units have made sweeping gains against the Takfiri elements since launching the Mosul operation.


The Iraqi forces took control of eastern Mosul in January after 100 days of fighting, and launched the battle in the west on February 19.



Tags: Daesh Iraq
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