08 October 2016 - 22:16
News ID: 424173
Having It Backwards:
With international efforts to forge a diplomatic solution to the humanitarian crisis down the drain, war-party officials in Washington are calling for wider US military action in Syria.


RNA - The warmongers are calling for the establishment of a no-fly zone as well as direct military confrontation with Syria. They claim this way they can help alleviate the suffering of civilians currently dying in eastern Aleppo!


This is while previous military escalations and deployments failed to do just that. As a result, the situation is getting worse not because Syria needs America's new military solutions but because the warmongers are still under the illusion that their failed campaign to impose regime change could work.


To this end, they are doing everything they can, including massively arming and training various terrorist groups - some directly and many more through providing weapons to US proxies from Saudi Arabia to Turkey to Jordan to the UAE to Qatar and everybody else that says they are fighting against the Syrian government.


In addition to sending arms, the criminal hordes are bombing Syria, including Aleppo. They claim they are bombing ISIl, but what they mean is that they are bombing cities and communities where the terrorist group has control. This is important because what the US is doing is bombing civilian objects - much more than killing terrorists.


They call for a no-fly zone, an idea that was once implemented in Libya, after which they grounded that country's airforce, eliminated its air defences, and paved the way for the emergence of ISIL and many other terrorist groups. The international crooks want the same for Syria, and they insist it is for humanitarian purposes!


Considering the above, it is by now obvious that the United States and its allies don't want to defeat terrorism in Syria, much less work for peace. On the contrary, they seek escalation which certainly risks the possibility of confrontation with Russian airforce, including the possibility of Russian pilots being shut down over Syria.


Here, it's impossible to assume that Russian response will be friendly. As they have said it already, they are going to do whatever it takes in order to keep their own planes and pilots safe. The same could be said about Syria and its ally Iran. If they come under attack, they won't sit idle either.


The good news is that amid the chaos and confusion, the United Nations is still pushing for a diplomatic solution to end the carnage. UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura has announced his personal willingness to accompany fighters with Al-Qaeda-affiliated Al Nursa Front (which recently changed its name to Fatah al-Sham Front) out of Aleppo if they would also allow civilians the freedom to evacuate the city and escape harm's way.


Unlike the United States, Russia has welcomed Mistura's proposal. Moscow has even welcomed his proposal to grant amnesty to rebel fighters and their families willing to leave the city. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says he would press the Syrian government to let opposition fighters leave the city under the terms outlined.


But the Nusra terrorists rejected the proposal outright, while the Qatari and Saudi media voiced support for their stance. No surprise.


Now what's missing here is a proper US response. And that hasn't come just yet. Instead, France sent a resolution to the UN Security Council that calls for a halt to all air strikes and military flights over Aleppo and seeks to impose possible sanctions for those who would disregard the restrictions!


That the United States and its NATO allies are not prepared to grasp the reality of the situation - defeat - is not the purpose of this write-up. What's important is that the anti-terror alliance of Iran, Syria, Russia and Hezbollah is about to liberate the eastern parts of Aleppo. However, that hasn't stopped them yet from presenting a new proposal to the UN Security Council, which essentially calls for the re-implementation of the US-Russia brokered ceasefire agreement that collapsed last month.


It is now up to the international community to endorse this humanitarian proposal instead of the one presented by France that only seeks further escalation and bloodshed. What the people of Syria want is for the international civil society to help end the bloodshed and bring the complex war to a succinct end. They don't want to see Russian and American pilots fighting and being shot down over Syria.


In sum, it doesn't take a strategic mind to realise that the kind of response from Team Obama and the mere extras - military response - simply won't work. What the UN could do is keeping the focus solely on why more military action is a recipe for disaster. The UN should figure out peaceful responses that are not military, because the US military is not working to save the lives of Syrian people.


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