News ID: 449971
Date of Release: 08:30 - 04 April 2020

Special Duaa to be recited and comprehended | Advised by Imam Khamenei

While the whole world is faced with #coronavirus, we would like to remind ourselves and all the believers out there to reflect on these words of the 4th Imam, Imam Sajjad (A). Understanding the world of existence is a gateway to understanding the Creator of the existence. O' Allah while we face many difficulties in this world, including this pandemic #coronavirus, we turn to you, O' our Lord, we seek your refuge, O' Almighty. You are our protector. The Leader, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei advised all the believers to recite this Dua (7) of Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya. Courtesy Islamic Pulse
تعداد بازدید : 4
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