] Tags - Zarif
Tags - Zarif
Rasa - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says constructive cooperation and mutual understanding in the Middle East must replace "illusion of rivalry" in a bid to solve regional problems.
News ID: 423202    Publish Date : 2016/09/04

Iran’s Zarif:
Rasa - Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says atrocities by Saudi Arabia and Israel have worked to even alienate their own allies.
News ID: 423087    Publish Date : 2016/08/30

Venezuela leader:
Rasa - Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro has described Iran as an “emerging power” in the world, stressing that the Islamic Republic uses its capacity to bring about peace for other nations.
News ID: 423017    Publish Date : 2016/08/28

Rasa - Iranian Foreign Minister slammed US Secretary of State John Kerry for his recent remarks accusing Iran of sending arms to Yemen and rejected his allegations against Tehran as “baseless and unfounded”.
News ID: 422975    Publish Date : 2016/08/26

Foreign Minister Zarif
Rasa - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the promotion of diplomatic and economic relations with Latin American countries is among the Islamic Republic’s fundamental policies.
News ID: 422855    Publish Date : 2016/08/22

Iranian FM:
Rasa - Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif said on Saturday that Iraq is on the front line of fight against terrorism and extremism and Iran stands by the Iraqi nation and government in anti-terror campaign.
News ID: 422830    Publish Date : 2016/08/20

Hujjat al-Islam Fallah-Zaroumi:
Rasa – Iran has communicated to Nigeria its serious concern about the continued detention and dire health condition of a leading Nigerian Shi’a leader, Shaykh Ibrahim Zakzaky.
News ID: 422618    Publish Date : 2016/07/29

Ayatollah Khamenei:
Rasa – Ayatollah Khamenei says the nuclear deal reached between Iran and world powers was result of endeavours of Iranian nation and scientists, not a US favour.
News ID: 3823    Publish Date : 2016/01/20

Ayatollah Khamenei:
Rasa – Ayatollah Khamenei says the nuclear deal reached between Iran and world powers was result of endeavours of Iranian nation and scientists, not a US favour.
News ID: 3822    Publish Date : 2016/01/20

Iranian FM:
Rasa - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif underlined the significance of close consultations between Tehran and Baghdad to ensure security in the region.
News ID: 3730    Publish Date : 2015/12/29

Rasa - Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says some regional countries tend to overlook the existing realities in the region and adopt wrong policies based on non-existent threats.
News ID: 3726    Publish Date : 2015/12/28

Rasa – The Iranian FM Zarif has met with several sources of emulation, including Ayatollah Javadi-Amoli, to discuss the JCPOA and Syria peace talks, among other topics while on a trip of Qom.
News ID: 3567    Publish Date : 2015/11/12

Rasa – The member of the Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom harshly slammed those who claim that "Imam Husayn paid allegiance to ‘Umar ibn Sa’ad', saying "no historical document can prove such thing."
News ID: 3505    Publish Date : 2015/10/26

Rasa - Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the Islamic Republic throws its weight behind the Iraqi government’s fight against Daesh terrorists.
News ID: 3183    Publish Date : 2015/08/19

Rasa - According to Lebanese media, Zarif and Nasrallah discussed latest regional and international developments and Iran-Lebanon bilateral relations.
News ID: 3121    Publish Date : 2015/08/12

News ID: 3044    Publish Date : 2015/07/30

Rasa - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif leveled criticism at certain countries in the Middle East for adding fuel to the flames of terrorist activities just for their illusions.
News ID: 3031    Publish Date : 2015/07/28

Rasa - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif arrived in Iraq late Sunday as part of a tour of regional countries that took him earlier to Kuwait and Qatar.
News ID: 3026    Publish Date : 2015/07/28

Rasa - Following his days-long visit to Iraq, Iranian foreign minister also met with the sources of emulation based in Najaf.
News ID: 3024    Publish Date : 2015/07/28

Rasa - Iraqi president Fuad Masum has called for cooperation among Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and the Persian Gulf states specially Saudi Arabia saying it will be very important to establish peace and stability in the region.
News ID: 3023    Publish Date : 2015/07/28