14 October 2014 - 01:55
News ID: 1379
Rasa - Deputy secretary general of the Lebanese resistance movement, Hezbollah, said the US government is to blame for all the crises facing the Muslim and Arab world.
Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah naeem Qassem

RNA - “The US is the factor behind any crisis and chaos that we are witnessing in the Muslim and Arab world today,” Tasnim News quoted Sheikh Naim Qassem as saying in a speech on Friday evening.

“The US wants to rule our fate and resources and manage our affairs in such a way that serves its interests even if it (the way) leads to the destruction of people and countries,” he added.

The senior Hezbollah official went on to say that Washington’s project is aimed at creating a new Middle East region through bloodshed and destruction, but the country is no longer able to control the developments. The regional governments, organizations and movements which served the US interests, he said, can no longer accomplish Washington's goals.

Sheikh Qassem also said that there is plot to annihilate “the resistant Syria” and create a Syria, whose policies are in line with the Israeli regime.

Earlier in an exclusive interview with the Tasnim News Agency on September 11, Sheikh Qassem had described US President Barack Obama’s remarks about arming Syrian opposition groups as a political gimmick.

He had said that the US has been sending weapons to anti-government militants operating in Syria for three and a half years and Obama’s remarks about plans to arm opposition groups is only aimed at justifying Washington’s defeats in Syria so far.

“He (Obama) thought his objective of overthrowing the Syrian government could be realized in three months. Three and a half years have passed now and none of his objectives (in Syria) have been realized,” he said.

Obama has asked the US Congress to authorize $500 million to train and arm what he called moderate Syrian rebels.

Sheikh Qassem further criticized Washington’s conduct with regards to the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), saying that despite its rhetoric, the White House is not serious about destroying ISIL.



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