Statement by Ayatollah Isa Qasim following the martyrdoms of three Bahraini youths

RNA – Ayatollah Isa Qasim, the leader of Bahrain’s oppressed Shi’ah Muslim majority, issued ‎a message of condolences to the families of martyrs Muhammad al-Miqdad, Ahmad al-Malali ‎and Ali al-Arab. ‎

It’s reported that Bahrain executed three Shi’ah citizens on terror charges, despite appeals ‎for clemency from international human rights groups.‎

Ali al-Arab, 25, and Ahmad al-Malali, 24, were put to death by firing squad.‎

The Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy said al-Miqdad died on July 28th at a hospital ‎after being found unconscious on the street shortly after protests against the executions on ‎the day before. ‎

The statement by Bahrain’s Shi’ah leader is as follows:‎

The people call on the regimes to reform the political situation, to end any acts of ‎oppression and tyranny and to turn to Islamic political thought and the teachings of the ‎Islamic religion.‎

The divine prophets and messengers all acted in accordance with divine instructions and ‎established sovereignty over the people according to the divine teachings and all of the ‎rulers and political systems who profess Islam must act in the same manner. Otherwise, ‎they would claim that their position is higher than the divine prophets but no rational person ‎would accept this claim.‎
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Unfortunately, many regimes have considered the right to absolute sovereignty over the ‎people themselves. Yet, no king, president nor ruler can claim independence from divine will ‎and power.‎
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The source of the power of such a regime is through the sword, force, oppression, and ‎savagery but it’s obligatory for all Muslims to rise up against oppression and change the ‎current situation in order to rid the Muslim nations of oppression. Just as the Ummah has ‎called for the martyrs’ help and has rose up in resistance against the oppressive killers, it has ‎emphasized the continuation of the path of jihad and loyalty to the blood of the martyrs.‎
‎ ‎
God-willing, the three martyrs who went to heaven recently, like the other martyrs, achieved ‎divine bliss and God Almighty is the best witness to the oppression of the oppressors. ‎However it’s surprising that the Bahraini regime is proud that it has silenced the voice of ‎revolution and the freedom-seekers of the nation but it continues to carry out widespread ‎arrests, unfair trials and the deprivation of the people of citizenship, which are only accepted ‎by the vain and only the ignorant are proud of such actions.‎

The blood of the martyrs is eternal, reflects the path of humanity, teaches the next ‎generations about sacrifice and comes to the aid of the people in reforming the affairs of ‎this world and the hereafter.‎

I extend my condolences to the families of the martyrs and offer truthful condolences to the ‎faithful and martyr-nurturing people of Bahrain. ‎

Isa Qasim

Rasa News Agency
