Ayatollah al-Najafi called for the improving of communications technology

RNA – Dr. Na’im Thajil al-Rubai, Iraq’s Minister of Communications, was at the head of a ‎delegation from this office of this ministry which met with Ayatollah Bashir al-Najafi, a ‎revered source of emulation, for a meeting in the holy city of Najaf.‎
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During this meeting, Ayatollah al-Najafi highlighted the need to serve the Iraqi people and ‎move on the path of national interests and said, “The dignity of the authorities is in serving ‎the country and the people.”‎
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He added that the Ministry of Communications ‎must launch programs to improve the level of ‎technology and localization of projects.‎

The Minister of Communications also presented a report on the activities of the ministry to ‎Ayatollah al-Najafi.‎

On June 23rd, Dr. al-Rubai announced the opening of three projects in the province of Najaf ‎to contribute to the development of telecommunications and Internet services in the ‎province.‎

Rasa News Agency
