Poll: More Than 4 in 10 Say Trump Would Win Reelection If Vote Were Today

RNA - According to the results of the NBC News/SurveyMonkey online poll, 43 percent of Americans believe that Trump would win the presidency. The same amount – 43 percent – said that a Democratic candidate would win, and 9 percent of respondents said that a third-party candidate would be elected.

The majority of respondents in the poll --- 53 percent --- said they disapprove of how Trump is handling his job as president, however, while 45 percent said they approve. And 62 percent said they think the country is currently going in the wrong direction, compared to 35 percent who said it is going in the right direction.

The poll comes as Democratic candidates continue to jump into the already crowded race to take on Trump in 2020. Former Vice President Joe Biden, who has not yet declared a run, has consistently topped polls among Democrats.

A Hill-HarrisX poll released Wednesday found that Trump is facing an environment similar to the past three presidents, with 36 percent of registered voters saying they would “definitely” or “probably” vote to reelect Trump.

A majority of respondents to the NBC News poll said that having a woman or nonwhite Democratic nominee would not affect the Democrat’s chances of winning. The pool of Democrats running for president so far is historically diverse in race, age and gender.

Despite the even split on Trump versus a Democratic candidate, respondents to the survey voiced support for progressive issues, with a 52 percent majority saying they support a Green New Deal, and 63 percent saying they support Medicare for All.